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天主是我的护盾,给心正的人助阵。A shield before me is God who saves the honest heart.

期间,演员赵本山也助阵朗朗的演奏会,雅俗共赏。And he and actor Zhao Benshan perform during the concert.

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这一次还有他的电影搭档戈尔迪.霍恩来助阵。This time, we were joined by his movie partner Goldie Hawn.

等也将作为助威团成员为“九连”助阵。And so on will also boost the morale of members as the "Nine" back.

它给人们带来希望,我很开心能到这来为杰西助阵。It gives people hope and I'm really happy to be here to support Jesse.

除了夏妮丝外,该专辑还有阿肯,50美分,莱尼克拉维兹和其他歌星助阵。In addition to Shanice, the album features Akon, 50 Cent, Lenny Kravitz and more.

还有超人气偶像担任评委助阵现场!Still God of superhuman vital energy holds the position of a commissioner to help a site!

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比尔,我还以为埃比尼泽将支付两千美元的赎金让他的男孩助阵。Bill and I thought that Ebenezer would pay a ransom of two thousand dollars to get his boy back.

据法国估计,越盟几乎没有大炮助阵,法军胜券在握。French estimates were that the Viet Minh had minimal artillery support, and France was bound to win.

索尼T77是索尼在今年下半年发布的一款新的产品,铺货速度十分的迅速,有靓丽的外观和强大的拍摄能力助阵,受关注度自然会很高.Sony T77 is in the second new products, Sony released 6 mouths, with a very rapid pace of Distribution.

作为你帮助反抗军动员反抗大众汽车的回报,我们特此让一个伊渥克婴儿为你助阵。In return for your help mobilising the Rebellion against Volkswagen, we have sponsored a baby Ewok for you.

梅超风召唤陈玄风前来助阵,这时小郭靖爬上悬崖,却被陈玄风抓住。Super typhoon call Chen Xuanfeng to come back when a small, climb the cliff, but is captured by Chen Xuanfeng.

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周日曼城在东地球场迎战利物浦会没有特维斯和维埃拉助阵。Manchester City will be without Carlos Tevez and Patrick Vieira for Sunday's clash with Liverpool at Eastlands.

谷歌需要更新方案,展示更胜一筹的战略,吸引新一代新星助阵。Google needs to reinvent its formula and demonstrate a winning strategy to attract the next generation of stars.

在“挪威之夜”多媒体表演都将向参观者展示之前,中国的古典名曲也来到挪威馆现场助阵。Before a display of the multi-media performances, Chinese classical musical masterpieces came to lend their support.

爱乐乐团指挥余隆将率领这个中国最好的乐团之一,上海歌剧合唱团也将随团助阵。The orchestra's conductor, Yu Long, will lead one of China's finest ensembles , accompanied by the Shanghai Opera Chorus.

中石化的其他海外收购计划并非一帆风顺,此次收购加纳的油田看来也同样困难,尽管该公司有尼尔•布什这样的名人助阵。Its other overseas acquisitions haven't been smooth sailing, and this looks just as tough--despite the company's name-brand pitchman.

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3月3日,东京一家百货公司举办家庭妇女发明展,日本太子妃雅子到现场助阵,体验一个为残疾人设计的书写工具。Crown Princess Masako tries out a writing aid for the handicapped at an exhibition of household goods invented by housewives on March 3.

他们还邀请一些明星前来助阵,史蒂夫·雷德格雷夫爵士、大卫·贝克汉姆和马修·品森特的友情相助给伦敦申奥笼罩了一层权威气氛,任何人都不敢小觑。The use of stars such as Sir Steve Redgrave, David Beckham and Matthew Pinsent gave the bid an air of authority that was hard to ignore.

这个精明的巷战斗士发明了“作战空间”这个词,也可能叫商业上的打手前来助阵。She is a savvy street fighter who invented the term "war room" and can call on the help of some of the dirtiest bruisers in the business.