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这些事可以轰轰烈烈也可以微风细雨地发生。This can happen in tiny ways and huge ones.

我爱你轰轰烈烈,失去你天崩地裂。I love you dynamic, lose your earth shattering.

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一大热点就是黑色又要轰轰烈烈地回来了。Big news is that black is making a big comeback.

裘的志向是想轰轰烈烈地大干一番。Jo's ambition was to do something very splendid.

碌碌活,还轰轰烈烈死?。Live for nothing, or die for something ---Rambo.

日本的崛起和衰落都是这么轰轰烈烈。It has been a spectacular rise and fall for Japan.

我想,如果这是注定要结束的,那么我们也要轰轰烈烈地结束。I thought, If it has to end, it's ending with a bang.

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我要么在宫里活得轰轰烈烈,要么死在宫里。I either live in the palace and win or die in the palace.

系呢425日入面我地虽然五系轰轰烈烈。It means that you and me have loved each other for 425 days.

我只是需要一场轰轰烈烈的爱,来满足我沉闷已久的心。What I want is just a furious sex, to meet my depressive heart.

如果我们在决赛中胜出的话,将会轰轰烈烈结束此个赛季。If our team wins the finals, we'll finish the season with a bang.

如果我们在决赛中胜出的话,将会轰轰烈烈结束此个赛季。If our team wins the finals, we’ll finish the season with a bang.

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轰轰烈烈如过眼云烟,平平淡淡才是真。Magnificent and victorious over like clouds, go in light is true.

天蝎座的你喜欢大胆的轰轰烈烈的生活,向往着策马奔腾一往无前的日子。Scorpios love having a big and bold life, and you love fearlessly.

轰轰烈烈的阿拉伯之春不可避免导致了大量实时书籍的涌现。THE Arab spring has, inevitably, spawned a gaggle of instant books.

在黄土地上一场轰轰烈烈的白事,被人们看作一生的一个完美的归宿。On the yellow land a dynamic burial means a perfect end of a lifetime.

谁占领了华尔街?在轰轰烈烈的六周运动后,真面目终于露出冰山一角。Who is Occupy Wall Street? After six weeks, a profile finally emerges.

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不管是平淡如水、细小如丝,还是惊天动地、轰轰烈烈,青春都是幸福的。Whether it's dull, fine as silk, or strong and vigorous, youth is happy.

保罗所指的帝国,似乎不太喜欢软着陆,反而喜欢轰轰烈烈,玉石俱焚。Empires, Paul noted, don't tend to enjoy soft landings, but crash and burn.

这或许为一场轰轰烈烈的作家运动拉开了序幕,就如伯格所期望的那样。Perhaps this is the start of what Boog is hoping will become a writers' movement?