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他的右臂上留有一个伤疤。His right arm carries a scar.

我看见他挥起右臂。I saw his right arm swing up.

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他的右臂几乎没用。His right arm is nearly useless.

右臂巨大,皮肤上也有包状物,右手像男人的脚。The right hand was like a man's foot.

她的右臂因伤口感染而阵阵抽痛。Her right arm throbbed from the infected cut.

他不惜牺牲了右臂和左脚。He had sacrificed his right arm and his left foot.

每当我写字的时候,右臂上的疖子就使我感到疼痛。The boil on my right arm rankled whenever I wrote.

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“带我走吧,”默多克说,伸出右臂。"Take me, " said Murdoch, holding his right arm out.

每个人都有两支手臂,左臂和右臂。Every person has two arms, the right arm and the left arm.

他刚才抬一个重包的时候扭伤了右臂。He strained his right arm by lifting a heavy bag just now.

起义军的战士都在右臂上缠绑了白色布条。The revolutionaries had a white cloth tied around their arms.

他举起右臂,从书架上拿出一支枪。He hefted his right arm and took away a gun from the bookshelf.

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摩尔甚至还在其右臂腋下纹上了一只睁开的眼睛。Jacqui even has a tattoo of an open eye inside her right armpit.

把你的肩膀放松,然后将右臂举起,横过胸前。Keep your shoulders relaxed and cross your right arm over your chest.

哈罗德告诉他往下伸伸右臂,并给他示范怎样做。Harold said the man should stretch down his right arm and showed him how.

阿纳金伸出他的右臂,冲医疗者微微笑了笑,不过医疗者没有理会。Anakin proffered his right arm, and offered a smile the healer did not return.

右臂向左上方弯曲,同时左膝抬向右肘。Right arm curving top left, simultaneously left knee lifting toward right elbow.

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那位白人妇女右臂抱着一个婴儿,左手提着一个旅行袋。The white woman held a baby in her right arm and a traveling bag in her left hand.

如图所示,只有右臂绘制。绘画必须为左胳膊倒。As shown, only the right arm is drawn. The drawing must be inverted for a left arm.

他还做了一件非常浪漫的事,把“永远的薇诺娜”纹在他的右臂上。He got 'Winona Forever' tattooed on his right shoulder in a grand romantic gesture.