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他一登台就大放厥词。He talked a lot of nonsense when he stepped onto the platform.

我的同胞,你们在这儿大放厥词的时候,你能说你真的爱国吗?。My compatriots, as you blab here, can you really say you love your country?

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然后有一天你一回家,就开始围绕无效婚姻开始大放厥词。And one day you just come home and start throwing words around like annulment.

布什现在大放厥词,在上个月的演讲27次提及了基地组织。Bush has turned up the volume, mentioning al-Qaeda 27 times in a speech last month.

我们可以不记得敌人的大放厥词,却忘不了自己人的沉默不语。In the end we remember, not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.

巴茨在采访时对董事会成员大放厥词,称他们是“蠢蛋”,还说自己“被公司利用了”。In it, she referred to her fellow board members as "doofuses, " and said that they "fed me over.

你不会相信那些来自西方或是亚洲其他地方无知的家伙对我的国家大放厥词。You won't believe the ignorant crud written online about my country by Westerners and other Asians.

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巴茨在采访时对董事会成员大放厥词,称他们是“蠢蛋”,还说自己“被公司利用了”。In it, she referred to her fellow board members as "doofuses, " and said that they "f---ed me over."

没有政治家喜欢那些对自己大放厥词的媒体,意大利总理西尔维奥•贝卢斯科尼也不例外。NO POLITICIAN likes a critical press and Silvio Berlusconi, Italy's prime minister, is no exception.

这位失业的管理人士在她所认为的非正式对话中对前雇主大放厥词。The laid-off executive had broadly bad-mouthed her former employer in what she saw as casual conversations.

与此同时,尼克,这位前偶像组合98度的灵魂人物却在他的演唱会上卑鄙地对他的前妻大放厥词。Meanwhile, the former 98 Degrees front man has been making snide comments about ex-wife Jessica at his concerts.

什么都不了解都大放厥词,对不起,送君四字“无知无聊”。Anything did not understand all spouts rhetoric, to sorry, "ignorantly delivers Mr. four characters to be bored".

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在上周举行的一次活动中,负责Facebook游戏合作的主管肖恩•莱安对新竞争对手大放厥词。At an event last week, Facebook director of game partnerships Sean Ryan had some choice words for his new competitor.

你们这些人在大放厥词之前,稍微做点研究,就会知道这一点。If you people making these claims would do just a tad bit of research before opening your pie holes you would know that.

另外,纯情的未婚夫刑警东旭为了见纯情来到中部工场,与大放厥词的敏浩动起手来。In addition, the pure feeling fiance Interpol Orient to see pure feeling came to the central workshop, with hands on critical min hao.

凯文痛斥乔只是一个跛足呆板的畅销品,甚至大放厥词说自己“随随便便找份工作都比你站的直”。Kevin accused Joe of being a lame, unfunny sellout, even venturing to claim that he could “easily come up with a better stand-up routine” than Joe.

社会主义者开始标榜自己是自由主义者并对民主制度大放厥词,巧妙的抛出诱饵将自由等同于多数主义。Socialists styled themselves as liberals and then spoke glowingly of democracy, executing a deft bait and switch to supplant liberty with majoritarianism.

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在他的公关人员顺藤摸瓜查到是他在大放厥词后,马世民“澄清”了自己的言论。他也许认为,自己是“政治正确”这一潮流的受害者。Mr Murray, who "clarified" his remarks after his public relations people tracked him down, probably thinks of himself as a victim of political correctness.

但是,大多数情况是,梦中的亲昵对象往往是平时身边夸夸其谈、大放厥词的人,或者是办公室里的竞争对手,甚至是让人敬而远之的老板──总而言之,是我们在现实生活中不愿意接近的人。But often our dream date is the loudmouth down the hall, our office adversary, even the scary boss -- in short, someone we avoid even standing near in real life.

提问还涉及到倍受争议的“莱特事件”,作为奥巴马曾经的牧师,莱特在他的教区布道时大放厥词,发表了极为偏执和愤怒的反美言论。The controversy of Jeremiah Wright, Mr Obama's former pastor who had made wildly paranoid and angry anti-American comments from his pulpit, was raised yet again.