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他的话使全医院为之寒心。His speech cast a chill over the hospital.

所有这些都会对团队的活力造成让人寒心的效果。All this has a chilling effect on the team dynamic.

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怎能不令苟活的弟子伤心和寒心?。How could the living followers not feel sad and chilly?

这第一次排枪射击给人的印象是够寒心的。The impression produced by this first discharge was freezing.

他们的态度让人寒心,我们感觉不到他们的歉意。Their attitude seems to chilling, and we do not feel sorry for them.

说这些真让我觉得有点儿寒心,但我们真的有点儿像我们的父母和祖父母了。It 21chills me to say this, but we are just like our parents and our grandparents.

我很寒心!我妻子在这段时间对我是如何恩爱,但怎么还会出轨呢?I'm chilling! My wife during this time is how affectionate to me, but how could derail it?

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这篇报道里没有什么新的东西,TOI只是在剥削读者的感情,真让人寒心。There is nothing new or fresh in this news, TOI is just exploiting the emotions of readers, so chill.

百姓也团结互助,一起共度难关。彼此都感到了天寒心不寒,天冷人不冷的温暖。We all felt that our hearts were linking together closely, even though it had been so cold and cruel.

世界冲突中列出了寒心真确的冷战局面,即柏林墙永远下跌。World in Conflict presents a chillingly authentic Cold War scenario where the Berlin Wall never fell.

雪晴认为父亲是用自己孩子来换取集团和家族利益,十分寒心。Xue Qing think father is with their own children for the group and the interests of the family, very happy.

然而有时这确实很棘手,因为儿女们常因此无视家乡传统风俗而让父母们寒心。This can actually be tricky sometimes though, because parents may be hurt by their kid's disregard to tradition.

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他说,他们每将一名博客作者投入监狱,就是对其他博客作者的一种现实的——但无文字记录的——“寒心效应”。And for every blogger they put in jail, a real — but undocumented — “chilling effect” is put on other bloggers, he said.

在我的舱位有空座的情况下,我被迫花钱选座以确保自己能到达斯波坎,这很让人寒心。It frosted me having paid a fee to get an assigned seat to ensure I would get to Spokane while there were seats in my class available.

将所有这些统统降低为金钱,视医生仅为向医疗保健“消费者”销售服务的人,这种说法真有点让人寒心。The idea that all this can be reduced to money — that doctors are just “providers” selling services to health care “consumers” — is, well, sickening.

最近,在奥运会期间有许多新闻藉着电视和网络讲述伊拉克运动员来参赛的寒心事。Recently, during the Olympic Games that there were many news to offer us by TV and Network. Especially, something about takes place with Iraq athlete.

数百万人已经失业,城市的白领多少年来薪资都是两位数的过度增长,而今确是缩水的奖金和寒心的薪资,有些人甚至失去了工作。Millions have been thrown out of work. Urban white-collar workers, for years pampered by double-digit growth, speak of shrinking bonuses and frozen wages. Some are losing jobs, too.

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孩子某种程度上是因工作而死的,他们狄更斯式的故事是对中国农村的极其无法无天的写照,让人寒心且难以置信。The Dickensian tale of children who had been, in some sense, worked to death, was a chilling and all-too believable allegory for the worst kinds of excess in the Chinese countryside.