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士兵们列队通过。The soldiers paraded by.

士兵列队站好。The soldiers were lined up.

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上校集合士兵列队接受检阅。The colonel paraded his soldiers.

孩子们列队走进公园。The children trooped into the park.

战士们正列队站成一横排。The soldiers are standing in a row.

遥修战列队是如何运作的!How remote repping battleships work!

学生们列队走进教室。The students trooped into the classroom.

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所有参赛运动员均在起点列队就位。All the competitors lined up at the start.

少林寺中的和尚们在列队祷告。Monks file to prayer in the Shaolin Temple.

一群企鹅沿海滨列队行进。An army of penguins paraded along the beach.

工兵绕训练场列队行进。The army engineers paraded round drill squares.

参赛选手列队参加100码短跑。The contestants lined up for the 100-yard dash.

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上尉令士兵整列队伍。The captain ordered the soldiers to dress ranks.

成千上万的人站在列队行进路线的两旁。Thousands of people lined the processional mute.

在打印列队中当前有多少个后台打印作业。Current number of spooling jobs in a print queue.

全营士兵从指挥官面前列队走过。The battalion marched past their commanding officer.

他们在列队行进时都挺起了胸膛。They threw their chests out when marching in parade.

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警察列队在铁丝网路障旁站岗守卫。Lines of police stood guard by barbed-wire barricades.

学生列队跟着老师走进博物馆。The students trooped behind the teacher into the museum.

运动员在乐曲声中列队入场。The athletes marched into the arena to the sound of music.