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甚至一元也可以起存。Even one yuan is ok.

一元钱一本,小伙子。One dollar each, young man.

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我可以用一元纸钞来换零钱吗?Can I have change for a buck?

我要花一元买个美女!I ' ll buy that for a dollar !

我花一元钱买冰激凌。I give one yuan for ice cream.

这是个一元空间问题。It's a one-dimensional problem.

几根枝条和一只从一元店买的鸟。Sticks and a dollar store bird.

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连一元钱都不肯借我。You won't even lend me one yuan.

一元八角七分。One dollar and eighty-seven cents.

我的意思是,做一元积分时。I mean, you are doing single integrals.

房租一年一元,太爽了!One yuan a year, the rent is too great!

对不起。我可以用一元纸钞来换零钱吗?Excuse me. Can I have change for a buck ?

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你需要付一元的停车费。You need to pay a one-dollar parking fee.

新婚当夜,唐一元呼呼而眠。Wedding night, TangYiYuan shout but sleep.

如何使用一个亚历克斯一元词法分析器与快乐吗?。How to use an Alex monadic lexer with Happy?

这事每星期只花他一元钱。It costs him no more than one dollar a week.

自小以来,我从来没有逛过一元店。Growing up, I never shopped at dollar stores.

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佳期来到酒馆,一元已饮醉。Moment came to tavern, one yuan has been drunk.

我们还有五毛和一元的硬币。We also have half- dollar and one- dollar coins.

梗直取得的一分钱,胜过偷来的一元钱。The honest penny is better than the stolen dollar.