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我也真的喜欢意大利细面条。My dad gives me big hugs.

意大利细面条,随你喜欢。Spaghetti, as you like it.

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北方人的主食是面条。Northern peoples staple fo.

你喜欢米饭还是面条?Do you like rice or noodles?

是拌黄油的菠菜面条。Buttered spinach and noodles.

面条,面条,咬一口!Noodles, noodles, take a bite!

请给我来碗面条。Can I have some noodles, please?

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面条上面铺一杯量的沙司酱。Spread 1 cup sauce over noodles.

他囫囵吞下一碗面条。He bolted down a bowl of noodles.

酥炒面条。我喜欢吃。Crispy fried noodles. I love them.

午饭我们吃了一碗面条。I had a bowl of noodles for lunch.

你知道什么是「面条沙拉」吗?Do you know what "noodle salad" is?

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你以前吃过面条吗?Have you ever eaten noodles before?

在滤器中控干面条。In a colander, drain the spaghetti.

那也别忘了推着小车卖面条。You're forgetting your noodle cart.

我想先喝汤,再吃意大利面条。I'll have soup followed by spaghetti.

这是“吃意大利细面条的艺术。It was "The Art of Eating Spaghetti."

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面条在中国拥有悠久的历史。Noodles in China have a long history.

告诉我们你喜欢吃我们做的宽面条。Tell us you love the lasagna we made.

我们要用一个小时来做卤汁面条。We will bake the lasagna for an hour.