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这本书是絮叨的么?The book is repetitive?

她可真絮叨。She is really long-winded.

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我爱你超过酒鬼的絮叨。I love you more than gin rummy is a bore.

提起她的新皮大衣,她就没完没了地絮叨起来。She chattered on and on about her new fur coat.

胖子絮叨,傻笑,开怀大笑,打打闹闹,还好说闲话。Fat people will gab, giggle, guffaw, gallumph, and gossip.

依我絮叨离题的程度来看,我知道我的确老了。By my rambling digressions I perceive myself to be grown old.

生病卧床不起一整天,而不用听老板在电话里絮叨.Feeling sick and lying in bed all day without having to call my boss.

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我三岁的侄子挪亚倒是一位不折不扣的“不太确定先生",这招倒是可以对付他的絮叨之言。Perhaps I'll try this on my own Maybe Man, my three-year-old nephew, Noah.

德斯礼夫人则一边愉快的絮叨着一边努力把挣扎哭闹的达利安顿到他的儿童椅上。Dursley gossiped away happily as she wrestled a screaming Dudley into his high chair.

当孩子们遇上困难或是犯了错误的时候,我们常常会絮叨上几句,提醒他们,或者对他们进行教育。When our kids face challenges or make mistakes, we may respond with nagging, reminders, or lectures.

最后,我估计他是觉得我的面红耳赤和可怜巴巴的絮叨是如此可怕,于是反过来开始同情我。In the end, I think he found my beetroot face and pathetic jabbering so dreadful he felt sorry for me.

最后,我估计他是觉得我的面红耳赤和可怜巴巴的絮叨是如此可怕,于是反过来开始同情我。In the end, I think he found my beetroot face and pathetic jabbering so dreadful he felt sorry for me.

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所以,当你刚见到她时,在你开始发牢骚和絮叨你的事情之前,先问问对方“你今天可好?”So before you start complaining or going into great detail about you, ask them “how was your day” or “how's it going?

我怎么老觉着是在听一个小屁孩跟我絮叨她那点儿课上课下的破事儿呢。It is seriously like listening to a 12 year old talk about her day and who said what in gym class, biology and OMG do you think he likes me.

正如他那些关于两个国家的公司与城市令人惊叹地详细但絮叨的研究成果所展示的,两国的社会与经济制度大相径庭。Their social and economic systems are vastly different, as he shows in admirably detailed but chatty studies of companies and cities in both places.

事实上,我并没有在大学或者学院里絮叨单一的事情,但是我确实在纽约公里许多小系统里学到了一些。Actually, I didn’t learn a single thing about management in college or grad school, but I did learn quite a bit in the New York City public school system.

这时既没有与马车上的友人相互絮叨佳肴美味之烦——往往这一陈旧题目可以变着样地喋喋不休,我乃能暂免冒失之举。Instead of a friend in a post-chaise or in a Tilbury, to exchange good things with, and vary the same stale topics over again, for once let me have a truce with impertinence.