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他十分的好奇。He’s genuinely curious.

难怪我们会好奇。No wonder we're curious.

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她可能只是好奇而已。She’s probably just curious.

看看爱悠这好奇的模样!Look Aiu, such curious image!

你们好奇那是什么吗?You ever wonder what this is?

贡夫好奇地观察着她。Gromph watched her, intrigued.

说到这,我有点好奇怎么从没见小余去过。How come you never have to go?

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你是否对功夫茶充满好奇?Do you know what Kongfu Tea is?

凯尔西好奇地看着她。Kelsey looked at her curiously.

贝索好奇地瞧着他的朋友。Besso eyes his friend curiously.

妈妈的故事一直激起我的好奇。Mom's story always intrigues me.

显然,她只是好奇。She was apparently just curious.

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那头牛投出好奇的目光。The bull casts a curious glance.

,我也好奇7指的是什么?Seven, I wonder what the seven is?

我们的大脑对好奇总是精力充沛的。Our brains are wired to be curious.

您好,看到您的高评,甚为好奇?Where does your nickname come from?

我好奇地细看着这武器。I surveyed the weapon inquisitively.

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杰姆好奇地向房里四下张望。Jim looked about the room curiously.

或者,好奇才是更确切的词。Or maybe curiosity is a better word.

她好奇地皱起了眉头。She wrinkled her brow inquisitively.