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他们在修道院中发现了一个圣像。They found an icon in the monastery.

圣像画匠的办公室,他们在隔壁工作。Icon painters’ premises. They work next door.

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圣像破坏者输掉了这场长达一世纪的争执。The iconoclasts had lost the century old debate.

任何亵渎圣像的人将遭惩罚。Anyone who desecrates the holy picture will be punished.

感谢波兰的亚瑟分享这些稀有的圣像。Thanks to Jacek in Poland for sharing these rare holy images.

我终于看到我在这三年来为这尊圣像的一切努力的成果。I saw the results of my work for three years to erect this image.

此龙王圣像乃陈上师留传下来给我的。This holy image of the Dragon King came down to me from Guru Chen.

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悔悟的皇帝如今敬畏地拜倒在这尊古圣像面前。Before this ancient image penitent emperors now prostrate themselves in awe.

然后我来到东正教堂里,小心翼翼地跟在一位佝偻着身子的老太太后面,参观那些镀金圣像。Then I tiptoe around gilded icons in the Orthodox church behind a bent old lady.

沙皇曾是活着的圣像,具有深远的历史和宗教意义。A tsar was a living icon, invested with deep historical and religious significance.

所以如果你们可以做些改动,我并不认为你们对于圣像会有任何的困难。So if you make these changes, I don't you'll have any difficulty in the Sri Murthi.

国王圣像的标题页显示查尔斯一世作为一个殉道者下跪祈祷。The frontispiece to Eikon Basilike showed Charles I as a martyr, kneeling in prayer.

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1930年之后的某个时候,一些铁匠在这份文稿上浇铸了金圣像,更加损坏了这部手稿。Forgers who added gold religious images sometime after 1930 further damaged the document.

他的桌子上摆满了圣像和蜡烛,上面还绑了很多照片。Candles dedicated to various saints crowd his table, most with photographs lashed to them.

迪拜风景名胜图片。帆船酒店的单桅帆船轮廓变成一个圣像的迪拜的华美的闪光。The Burj Al Arab hotel's dhow-sail profile has become an icon of Dubai's ostentatious glitz.

我头上戴的那顶小圆帽是起先所作的那顶,而手中捧的是莲师圣像。I am wearing the small round cap that was originally made, and holding a statue of Guru Rinpoche.

毁坏圣像运动是在拜占廷帝国历史上影响非常大的事件。The Iconoclastic Controversy exerted a tremendous influence in the history of the Byzantine Empire.

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当使用者使它失去能力哪里的时候,修理了一个通知圣像会被放置在开始菜单之上的虫。Fixed a bug where the notification icon would be placed over the start menu when the user disables it.

因此我重制这张圣像加上印文以酬谢他的慈恩,以便我更好的观想。So I have recomposed this holy image with seals to repay His kindness and for my better visualisation.

几世纪前力抗圣像破坏运动的众人找到通往天堂之路。Underneath the sum of those who centuries before had fought iconoclasm and found their way to paradise.