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你,去教育共和党人!You indoctrinate republicans!

然而,共和党人却在说不。Yet Republicans are saying no.

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共和党人都很无精打采。The Republicans are downhearted.

没有歧视的意思,如果你是共和党人也一样。It’s O.K. if you’re a Republican.

共和党和茶党肯定很得意。Repubs and the TP must be so proud.

但是在共和党的世界里,下却是上。But in Republican-world, down is up.

共和党里有民粹主义者。The Republicans have their populists.

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共和党人对此全部反对。The Republicans were against all that.

他们是共和党人And they were republicans, small r, too.

把那些共和党人都炒了,反正他们都没用。Fire the repubs. They're useless anyway.

其他关键共和党成员仍未表明态度。Other key Republicans remain undeclared.

民主党下野,共和党执政。The Democrats are out, the Republicans in.

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共和党在哪里找到这些古怪的人?Where do the Repugs find these wacky guys?

我大叫“你变成一个同性恋的共和党了!”I howled , you ' ve become a gay republican.

共和党人约翰·科宁表示,该禁令有些过了。Republican John Cornyn says it goes too far.

共和党-茶党真的没有什么可失去的。The GOP-Tea Party has nothing to lose really.

美国极需一个共和党的胜利。The Nation sorely needs a Republican victory.

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共和党人对此反应快速并充满嘲弄。The Republican reaction was swift and derisive.

我们都是共和党人,我们都是联邦党人。We are all Republicans, we are all Federalists.

奥巴马先生也应该试图争取中立派的共和党。Mr Obama should also court centrist Republicans.