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鞋类慈善网站soles4souls.org则把鞋子送往受灾地区。 is sending shoes.

这就是送往全俄罗斯的肉排!And here are the cutlets for all Russia!

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送往机场乘搭客机飞返家园。Transfer to airport for your flight home.

把机器人送往太空中,然后捕获一颗小行星,接着将其带回地球的轨道之中。PASADENA, Calif. —Send a robot into space.

美国,你什么时候将鸡蛋送往印度?America when will you send your eggs to India?

这份急件由罗马送往伦敦。The message was dispatched from Rome to London.

你可以心情平静地把卡西送往另一个世界。You can peacefully send her on to the next life.

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送往机场,乘搭新航客机回返汶莱。Transfer to airport for your flight back to Brunei.

所有重要计划均以密码送往警方。All important plans were sent to the police in cipher.

警方将其放到冰块里,开车送往急救室。Officials put it on ice and drove it to the emergency room.

我们得派人把急件由罗马送往伦敦。We must ask someone to carry a dispatch from Rome to London.

这两名塔利班战士已北送往就近的美国海军野战医院。The two were transported to a nearby U.S. Navy field hospital.

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随后被立即送往圣赫勒拿岛,在此地度过余生,死于1821年。He was summarily dumped on Saint Helena, where he died in 1821.

在阿比林,这些牛被运上火车送往芝加哥。At Abilene, the cattle were put on trains and carried to Chicago.

已采集样本并正在送往设在开罗的美国海军第三医学研究处进行检测。Samples have been taken and are being sent to NAMRU-3 for testing.

在船上的时候,哈姆雷特自问他为什么会送往国外。While on board the ship, Hamlet asked hilf why he was sent abroad.

每月阅读大奖各奖项将由牛津大学出版社派员送往学校。Monthly prizes will be presented to winners by OUP representatives.

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然后将数字信息送往显示器和IEEE-488接口。Digital data is then sent to the display and the IEEE-488 interface.

阿勒-哈吉是星期四从关塔那摩送往苏丹的三人之一。Al-Haj is one of three men sent to Sudan from Guantanamo on Thursday.

然后这些堆积将送往自动装袋机或传送机。Those stacks can then be sent to automatic baggers or onto conveyors.