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无需支付场地费!No lot fees to pay!

果为您无需再忧虑。Because you need not worry.

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生活水水路无需安全阀,预防漏水。No safety valve in D. H. W.

这些行为无需学习。You didn't have to learn that.

而且无需任何人教你如何去笑。No one teaches you how to laugh.

罗伯克,你无需道歉。You need not apologize , roebuck.

上台阶的时候无需用力进行,以保护你的膝盖不要受伤。Step gently to protect your knees.

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当然,我们无需与他们为伍。We shouldn’t join them, of course.

真珊瑚无需刷油漆。True coral needs no painter's brush.

公共部门对此无需做出采取应急行动。No action by the public is necessary.

我们无需知道这个力的大小We didn't have to know its magnitude.

好马无需加鞭。A good horse should be seldom slashed.

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好马无需用鞭抽。A good horse should be seldom spurred.

它几乎无需存储文件或安装软件。It stores almost no files or software.

你无需为区区小事而忧虑。You need not worry over such a matter.

无需校准、无漂移、基线平稳。No calibration. No drift. Flat baseline.

再无需加演,因为有余辉。No more encore except for the afterglow.

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在佩林的故事无需重复。The Palin story needs no retelling here.

女人实在无需楚楚可怜。Women don't need to really chu chu poor.

无需担心缺乏沟通。No need to worry about miscommunications.