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试试看交友网站。Try personals sites.

猪狗交友,与人何干?Pig dog makes friends, with people?

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大家以游戏会友、交友。Everyone in the game friends, friends.

Facebook并不仅仅是关于交友。But Facebook is not just about friending.

当你交友时,朋友考验你的义气。With friends, they tested your integrity.

你有些“交友团”可以加入吗?Are there any meet-up groups you can join?

读书如交友,应少而精。Books and friends shoulde be few but good.

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可他们推特和交友。Could be they were Tweeting and Friending.

网上交友者是否倾向于撒谎?Do online daters have a propensity to lie?

那是个交友聊天的好地方,也很毁口语。The english corner of RUC is the best one!

这里是一个广阔的交友平台。Here is a broad social networking platform.

交友的唯一办法就是自己够朋友。The only way to have a friend is to be one.

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我希望有朝一日我可以畅游世界,用我流利的英语,我可以和世界各地的人交友。hope i can travel around the world one day.

在交友方面他有辨别力。He has the discrimination in making friends.

交友勿滥,熟人须多。Have but few friend, though much acquaintance.

七台河交友站地址多少???Qi Tai He City pals station address number? ? ?

如想短时交友者请勿打扰。If you want short-term friends who do not disturb.

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你可以尝试在一个专门的交友网站注册帐号。You can opt to sign up for a specialized dating site.

交友添加新的网站,电子邮件地址等。Cpanel to add new websites, email addresses and so on.

交友为重,愿朋友满天下!I wish make good friends with all of the world people!