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第一、哲学全书排斥只是零碎的知识的聚集,例如,文字学似属于此类的知识。An encyclopaedia of philosophy excludes three kinds of partial science. I.

孙诒让先生无论在古文字学方面还是在古籍整理方面,都是大家。Mr. Sun yi-rang is a master both in paleography and ancient books sifting.

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第四部分谈怎样利用这部有价值的大型工具书,进行文字学、训诂学等方面的学习和研究。The forth part talks about how can we make use of the large reference book.

文字学上的“表形文字”阶段,与绘画的始源同宗。And so during the visual periods, the characters and paintings had common ancestry.

孙诣让是清末著名的经学家、古文字学家,与俞樾、章太炎并称清末三学者。Sun Yirang is a famous philological and ancient literal scholar in late Qing Dynasty.

我们要加强墨经逻辑研究中的文字学和解释学研究。We want to strengthen the study of philology and hermeneutics in Mo-jing logic research.

研究领域为中国古代历史文化、古文字学和文献学。Since 1954, he started to work in History Department, Society Science Institute of China.

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赵氏不仅通文字学,还喜篆刻并精印学理论。Master Zhao not only understands philology, but also likes seal cutting and masters seal theories.

汗青文字学家们研究的对象为语言变化的素质及导致这些个语言变化的原因。Historical linguists study the nature of language change and the causes that lead to language change.

课程包括拉丁语、古文字学和那些时期的历史文学。Courses include Latin, paleography, as well as courses in the history and literature of these periods.

明朝在文字学史上是一个特殊的时代,文字学著作多遭忽略贬斥。The MingDynasty is a special time in the philology history, the philology work suffers muchneglects demotes.

俗字研究是文字学研究的重要内容,而方言俗字的研究一直是个薄弱环节。Althoughthe research on it plays an important role in the characters study, it hasbeen a weaker link all the time.

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王徵是我国明朝末年一位很有成就的科学家、语言文字学家、翻译家和出版家。Wang Zheng was a successful scientist, linguist, phonologist, translator as well a publisher in the late Ming dynasty.

古文字学是关于古文字及用古文字来记录的文献资料的学问。Chinese paleography studies the ancient writing and the literature material which is recorded with the ancient writing.

汗青文字学家研究语言的汗青发展以及语言变化的过程。Historical linguists are concerned with the historical development of languages and the processes involved in language change.

作为文字学意义上的异文,主要是指通假字和异体字。Variants in the sense of philology mainly refer to characters capable of replacing each other or variants of Chinese characters.

文字学家研究篆书偏重于形体的分析,书法家们写篆书则重视艺术的追求。The philologists focus their attention on the analysis of the form of the characters, while the calligraphers on their pursuit of art.

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这一部分从文字学的角度,分析了楷书中钩的表现形态、意义和作用。This part of the study from the perspective of the text analyzes the performance of regular script in hook shape, meaning and function.

侧重表意功能的为文字学原则部首,侧重检字功能的则为检字法原则部首。Radical of philology principles is intended to focus on ideographic nature and radical of indexing principles lays emphasis on indexing.

汉语方言学史的研究从总体上来说还很薄弱,加强这方面的研究对于汉语言文字学各分支学科的建设都有重要意义。Therefore, the research in this area is of great significance for the development of various aspects of Chinese linguistics and philology.