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这也是生离死别呀!This is also part for ever!

也不再有悲伤和生离死别。Neither shall there be sorrow or dying.

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那么多的生离死别那么多的爱恨情仇那么多的不可思议。So much life to death So many good and bad So many incredible.

教一个做母亲的人受那种眼睁睁的生离死别的苦痛,您觉得有什么可说的吗?What say you to that torture of Tantalus as applied to a mother?

“亲爱的宝贝,如果你能活着,一定要记住我爱你”,看惯了生离死别的医生却在这一。My Dear Baby, If you were to stay alive, you must remember that I love.

不想要与众不同的爱情,因为那要有生离死别才会与众不同。Do not want a different love, because it will have a different part forever.

看惯了生离死别的医生,却在这一刻落泪了。The doctor who had been used to see separation and death burst into tears at that moment.

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亦或许很多人都看过生离死别,对之都有着各自内心的一个定义。Maybe many people have seen between life and death, to have their own the heart of a definition.

这里我们来考察下在人类生离死别的经历时的一般的规律。There are some general patterns in the human experience of loss that will be valuable to examine here.

我试着让葬礼感觉更加舒服——看上去更像一个温馨的惜别会而并非生离死别。I`m trying to make funerals feel more comfortable – more like cozy farewell parties than the ultimate good-bye.

如果我们坚持这样做的话,将会有多少家庭免于遭受这样的生离死别,只要这样想一想,就让人觉得惭愧不已。If you stop to think about how many families would not have been torn apart had we done that, it's mind-boggling.

这是动物固有的世代相传的本能,生离死别永远会导致精神痛苦。This is inherent in the animal, a survival instinct, and the emotional pain caused by separation for good reason.

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在生离死别的时候.你会看清一些情感,那时你第一时间会想到谁?In part for ever when. You can see feeling a few clearer, in those days you who can you think of for a short while?

我是一名医生,看多了生离死别,人生也就是这么一回事,时间非常的短暂。I am one doctor , looking at much partings in life or death , life is just such one thing, extraordinary brief of time.

我到过南京,当我走进纪念馆时我一下子感到一种颤抖,是一种至亲至爱的人与你生离死别时才有的颤抖。As soon as I entered the museum I felt I was shivering, it was like I was going to be apart from my most beloved people.

面对这生离死别,几名女记者紧捂着脸,努力不让自己哭出声来。Witnessing such a heart-breaking parting moment, several women journalists had to cover their faces, trying not to cry aloud.

而塞翁的儿子因为是个跛腿,免服兵役,所以他们父子得以避免了这场生离死别的灾难。The Cypriot Weng's son because it is a lame leg, non-military service, so they can avoid this father and son Shengchisibie disaster.

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因此,这个节日中既有祭扫新坟生离死别的悲酸泪,又有踏青游玩的欢笑声,是一个富有特色的节日。Therefore, this festival in both a sweeping new grave my bitter tears, and Ta-Qing play the sound of laughter, is a distinctive holiday.

一去不复返的年华最为值得珍惜,生命中的那些爱恨情仇、生离死别总能留下总动人的文字用来回忆。The Years Gone is well worth cherishing life, those in both good and bad, life to death can always leave the text used for the total touching memories.

那种生离死别的彻骨之痛再现,是自己最能被深深感染的局部。That kind of pain from the hungry shenglisibisexuale representine, it is oneself most can be particularly deeply infected pmartworkiing artworks disciplines.