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强风与酷寒使他的脸孔皱缩了。Hard wind and wizen his face.

没有柔声细语,没有可爱脸孔Nor gentle voice, nor loving face

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无名的墙上挂着无框的脸孔。Frameless heads on nameless walls.

然而,我看不出带着她的新脸孔她还能走多远。I can't see her going any further.

她又一次抬起眼睛望着他的脸孔。She looked up in his face once more.

她那死人般的苍白脸孔是长期患病形成的。Her deadly paleness was due to long illness.

她的脸孔长得像个圣人—圣·伯纳。She has a face like a saint—a Saint Bernard.

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当她呼气的时候,脸孔定格在了安详的表情。As she exhaled, her face settled into repose.

苍白的脸孔,无神眼瞳,让人发紫。Pale face, atheistic Yan Tong, purple people.

直视水池中倒映出的自己的脸孔?Staring on your face reflected in a pool of water?

皮普钦太太的灰色眼睛细看着他的若有所思的脸孔。Mrs Pipchin's grey eye scanned his thoughtful face.

那张暴躁的脸孔蹙了起来,显得有些迷惑。The choleric face distorts in a look of puzzlement.

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浩然每天都带着冷冰冰的脸孔到新学校上课。Hao Ran went to school with a sullen face every day.

一块巨大的石灰岩上雕刻着法老的脸孔。A huge quartzite block had an engraving of a pharaoh.

削瘦的四肢和白色的脸孔是他仅有的语言。His lean limbs and white face were his only language.

在废墟和烟雾升腾中我们似乎看到了魔鬼的脸孔。We saw the face of evil form in plumes of smoke and ash.

实验第一步要求志愿者对100张脸孔及对应名称进行记忆。First, the volunteers had to memorize 100 names and faces.

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高挑皮肤白,天使脸孔,模特儿身材,服务肯定一流。Fair, Tall, Angelic Face, Model-like Figure, Power Service.

然而,我看不出带着她的新脸孔她还能走多远。However, with her new face I can't see her going any further.

透过这个程序,观赏者便能「遮蔽」和「揭露」这张脸孔。Through this process the viewer "masks" and unmasks the face.