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即使是那些青春少女?Even teenage girls?

即使是改变大的部件。And even bigger parts.

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即使是你在平静的睡眠For even as you slumber

即使是现在,我也不明白。I do not see, even now.

即使是为了韦尔斯利学院。Not even for Wellesley.

即使不愚蠢,也算不得聪明。Ineptly, if not stupidly.

即使我睡着了。金库门生产厂家。And even when I go 2 sleep.

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即使当中我做错左也。And though I make mistakes.

即使受到邀请,我也不去。Even if invited, I won'tgo.

即使我离开,这世界繁华依旧。I'm useless for this world.

即使偷一根不值什么钱的针也是一种罪过。It is a sin to steal a pin.

但即使这样还不够。But even that is not enough.

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即使他们愿意做,也不能做。Even if they do, they can't.

即使到了现在,她也不后悔。Even now she doesn't repent.

即使是原唱者也被愚弄了!Even the original is fooled!

即使有樱花开放。Even if cherry-flowers bloom.

即使在罗迪市也不例外。Even if you're stuck in Lodi.

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即使不放辣椒。Even though without capsicum.

即使古城堡在逐渐倒塌。Even when they are crumbling.

即使做的对的,也不能越俎代庖。If done right, can take over.