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这是二拍子的So it's duple meter.

我拍子要换线。I need my racquet restrung.

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这首曲子用的什么拍子呢What's the meter of this piece?

对我来说,它们只是衣服和拍子。To me, it's clothes and racquets.

多少人认为是二拍子呢How many think it's in duple meter?

这个是二拍子的例子So there we had an example of duple.

三拍子,答对了,你们知道曲子的结构Triple. Yeah. You know the setup here.

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听到二拍子时,原地踏步For the duple meter, you have the march.

再来一个三拍子的,开始Let's do a triple meter one. Here we go.

那么,这是二拍子的还是三拍子的So is this in duple meter or triple meter?

就想这样,感受二拍子And it just goes like this, Feel the duple.

我们分析了二拍子,现在我们分析下三拍子We did duple and now we've got to do triple.

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为探戈谱写的一种双拍子乐曲。Music written in duple time for dancing the tango.

这正好是一个二拍子的曲子,很好This happens to be in duple meter and that's fine.

是什么告诉我们这是二拍子的呢What is it that tells us that it's in duple meter?

然后我们要把那个拍子向演奏者说明Then we want to indicate that meter to the performer.

对,在一个拍子里,是个八分音符Yeah, two within one beat would give us eighth notes.

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最终,他愤怒地把拍子摔到地上。At the end he cracked his racket onthe ground in fury.

二拍子的音乐,我们只需下,上,下,上Right? So for duple meter we just go down, up, down, up.

利用节拍器来确认速度与拍子的准确度。Use the metronome to check your speed and beat accuracy.