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你喜欢说唱音乐吗?Do you like rap music?

我对说唱乐不感兴趣。I'm not very keen on Rap.

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听一听,跟读并说唱。Listen, repeat and chant.

终于明白原来西皮只是说唱的一种主要形式。Hip-Hop is one main type of RAP.

大部分孩子的榜样是说唱歌手和篮球队员。Mostly rappers and basketball players.

但我没去。那好像是一场说唱表演。I didn't go to it, though. It was like rap.

图帕克的一种说唱用的是革命性的。The kind of rap Tupac used was revolutionary.

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你给它写说唱。哈,这些诺言词语,让它们成…成真吧。You rap about it. Yeah word, ke-keep it real.

她们说我没有办法再对于旁人弹词说唱了。They said Ican't rap about bein?broke no more.

滑稽说唱团演出有音乐、舞蹈和喜剧。Minstrel shows included music, dance and comedy.

宽松的牛仔裤是美国说唱歌手典型的风格。The baggy style is typical for American rappers.

欧阳靖12岁第一次听到黑人说唱歌手L。At the age of 12 Gin Oy first heard the rapper L.

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他连一首歌曲都唱不好,更不用说唱京戏了。He can't sing a song well, let alone Beijing Opera.

我特别喜爱说唱音乐,我最喜欢的音乐人是美国一位说唱歌手-Eminem。My favorite musician is an American rapper- Eminem.

一个“有名的”突尼斯说唱歌手支持伊斯兰教法。A "celebrated" Tunisian rapper supports Shariah law.

在早上,他的第一次正式说唱记录6。His first official rap record was "6 in the Mornin'".

我喜欢各种不同的风格——摇滚、说唱,无论什么。I like lots of different styles – rock, rap, whatever.

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钱也是黑帮说唱歌手的另一至爱话题。Money is another favourite subject of gangsta rappers.

一首歌曲由拉丁说唱团欠款习惯。A song performed by latino rap group Delinquent Habits.

这些剧目都以一种说唱形式的底本流传。These operas are sung in a popular form of Documentary.