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她藉着叫卖零嘴赚了许多钱。She earned a lot of money by peddling snacks.

我下午都会吃一点零嘴。I always have a little snack in the afternoon.

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当你有点儿饿的时候,就吃点零嘴。When you start to get a little hungry, eat a snack.

我妈妈通常会在采购时买一些零嘴。Mom usually picks up some snacks when she goes shopping.

在那哩,每次都吃很多东西,尤其是我最喜欢的零嘴─巧克力冰淇淋和咸爆米花。I always eat lots of food, such as my favorite snack-chocolate ice cream and salty popcorns.

许多人吃了太多这类不健康的零嘴,但是其它人则选择较健康的饮食习惯,有些人甚至选择“全天然”的食物,他们拒绝吃任何有化学制品或添加物的食物。Some even go "all natural."They refuse to eat any food prepared with chemicals or additives.

许多人吃了太多这类不健康的零嘴,但是其它人则选择较健康的饮食习惯,有些人甚至选择「全天然」的食物,他们拒绝吃任何有化学制品或添加物的食物。Some even go "all natural." They refuse to eat any food prepared with chemicals or additives.

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他们不知道甜饮料和小零嘴之间的区别,但实际上它们差很多。They don't think the sweet drinks or the little snacks make any difference, but they really add up.

在这儿嚼口香糖也是一件难事,所以你得改吃糖果或是零嘴。It is also going to be hard to find chewing gum here, so you might want to switch to sweets or munchies.

不要边看电视边吃东西或是躺在床上或在任何其它地方吃,这样会让原本蛮不错的一餐饭变成无法让你饱足的零嘴。Don't eat in front of the TV or in bed or anyplace else where a decent meal turns into an unsatisfying snack.

如果你想吃小零嘴了,可以吃些杏仁和坚果,香蕉,苹果或是梨,一盆低脂肪的麦片粥或是一个水果拼盘。If you want a snack then eat some almonds or other nuts, a banana, apple or pear or a low-fat cereal or fruit bar.

在那堵墙的后面,任何爬行的生物,飞的后者路过的,都想杀死你,拿你的眼睛来当零嘴。Out there beyond that fence, every living thing that crawls, flies or squats in the mud wants to kill you and your.

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这是个为人熟知的零嘴,但你对从西瓜取出种子到变成店内包装瓜子的过程到底了解多少呢?It's a familiar snack, but how much do you really know about getting the seeds from the watermelon to the package at the store?

弯糕为传统茶点,由字面上即可了解此糕点为四季皆可食用之传统零嘴。Bend cake for traditional tea, from literally the four seasons can understand this cake is the traditional snacks Jieke consumption.

有清风艳阳、窃窃私语还有香脆可口的零嘴儿,人生最惬意的事情莫过于如此了。Cool breeze, bright sunshine, whispering and fragrant and crisp snacks I could not think of anything in my life that is better than them.

如果你每天正常饮食是两到三次,期间还要吃点零嘴的话,你会发现吃点健康食品和吃点有害食品都是很容易办到的事。If you stop to eat 2-3 times per day and snack in between it is just as easy to find something healthy as it is to find something harmful.

在各地传统市场可以找到橘子、鞭炮,以及各式零嘴,像是糖果、开心果、南瓜子和瓜子。Items like tangerines and firecrackers and snacks such as candy, pistachio nuts, pumpkin seeds and melon seeds can all be found in local, traditional markets.

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非常兴奋,非常紧张,门将李明国的长兄和其他亲戚在他娘家位于平壤外围的公寓里喝着啤酒,吃着零嘴,观看周一的比赛。Nervous but excited, goalkeeper Ri Myong Guk's older brother and other relatives settled in at his in-laws' apartment outside Pyongyang with beer and snacks to view Monday's game.

聂磐心中不停的懊恼早晨急匆匆的溜走了,忘了给李莫愁买点消遣时间的零嘴。The continuously and mortified morning urgently and in a hurry slipped away in the heart of Nie Pan and forgot don't anxiety to buy to mandate to please a horary snack because Lee.

许多人吃了太多这类不健康的零嘴,但是其它人则抉择较健康的饮食习惯,有些人甚至抉择「全天然」的食物,他们拒绝吃任何有化学制品或添加物的食物。Many people eat too many of these unhealthy snacks. But others opt for more healthy eating habits. Some even go "all natural. "They refuse to eat any food prepared with chemicals or additives.