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这件事的重要性是无可置疑的。There was no gainsaying the value of this.

宗教干预政治是无可置疑的。There is little question that religion meddles in politics.

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整个市场的成长不如预期是无可置疑的。The growth of the whole market is indubitable as expectancy.

整个市场的成长不如预期是无可置疑的。The growth of the whole market is not indubitable as expectancy.

无可置疑的事实是,种族不公平笼罩着该市黑人社区。There can be no gainsaying of the fact that racial injustice engulfs this community.

他掌握了无可置疑的证据,可以证实有一个历史事实是伪造的。He had held in his hands unmistakable proof of the falsification of a historical fact.

但是美国队在联合会杯中无可置疑地战胜了他们,这说明西班牙是可以被击败的。But the USA managed it at the Confederations Cup, and deservedly, so it can be done. AL

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但是YouTube上的一位评论者却特别表达了对于谷歌广告无可置疑的期望。But one YouTube commenter in particular was undoubtedly what Google had been hoping for.

无可置疑,今天的透视学比起历史上任何时代都更具有科学的准确性。Undoubtedly, today's Perspective is more scientifically accurate than any era in history.

在今年春夏白色独领风骚时,它仍然拥有着无可置疑的地位。When Chun Xiabai color outshines the rest this year, it still is having apodeictic place.

如果你过分地拘谨,没有任何性感的举动,那么无可置疑,你并不能从中能到乐趣。If you over work the demure, non-sexual act, believe us, you’re not going to have much fun.

亨利工作上可能有点粗枝大叶,但他对公司的耿耿忠心却是无可置疑的。Henry may be a little careless in his work, but his loyalty to the company is beyond question.

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英语,作为一门国际语言的重要性也因此而显得无可置疑。Therefore, the importance of English as an international language has already been inarguable.

中国工人薪资上升将缓慢但无可置疑地拉低中国庞大的贸易顺差。Rising Chinese wages point to an inexorable, if gradual, reduction of its whopping trade surplus.

本文据以考征、探索,印证韦君靖“都督带使持节兼军号”的节度身份,无可置疑。Through textual research, exploration, Wei' identity of a messenger is affirmed without any doubt.

用无可置疑的语言,奥巴马警告如果无所作为将导致国家大灾难。In language that left no room for doubt, he warned of a "national catastrophe" if nothing was done.

从远处看富士山有一种无可置疑的美丽,但是到了山上,看到的只是一大片火山灰和岩石。While undeniably beautiful from afar, Mount Fuji close up is a huge slab of volcanic dust and rock.

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对于中国所谓的对西菲律宾海的无可置疑的管辖权,她很多的邻国都持有不同意见。China's undisputable jurisdiction in the West Philippine Sea is being disputed by most of her neighbors.

尽管这种奶酪有点咸,但无可置疑,在18世纪,它仍然是一个绅士餐桌上最健康的食品之一!Although salty, this was undoubtedly healthier than most food on a gentleman's table in the 18th Century!

无论这些数字是否准确,无可置疑的是目前非洲国家得到的响应少得可怜。However ambiguous those numbers are, there is no doubting the miserable response of African countries so far.