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二回出嫁的是玛白姑娘。The second married was Mabai girl.

第三出嫁的是约白姑娘。The third married was the girl Yuebai.

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聪明的诺姒第八个出嫁。The smart Nuosi was the eighth married.

女子出嫁以后通常随夫姓。A married woman usually bears her husband's surname.

我要在那儿欣喜地缝制,来世出嫁的霓裳。I'll sew my bridal dress for next life with delight.

我从来没想过,我的小妹会出嫁。I never thought that my kid sister would get married.

第二天,五月二十五日,是曼娘出嫁的日子。The next day, May the twenty-fifth, was Mannia's wedding day.

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他们希望女儿留在家里,做家务,然后出嫁。They want the girls to stay home and do housework and get married.

自从姐姐出嫁后,马贝尔就再没有闺中密友了。Mabel had no associates of her own sex, after her sister went away.

三个女儿快要出嫁了,他为没有钱给她们买嫁妆而难过。Three daughters were being married, he didn't have money to buy dower.

我也推断出嫁给迪夫是个好主意,也这么做了。I also concluded that it would be a good idea to marry Dave, and did so.

然后女孩子出嫁以后,要贺三朝。After they were married, their sisters would congratulate on the third day.

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告诉我你就要出嫁了。And then she told me you were getting married. ‘Mónica is to wed, ' she said.

每个新娘都想在出嫁时做白雪公主!“她说到。"Every bride wants to be princess Snow White when they get married," she said.

出嫁的姑娘必须携带粽粑、鹅鸭等礼物回娘家,同父母兄妹团聚。Married women visit their parents'home bearing gifts--zongba, geese, and ducks.

原来,姑娘小时候定的娃娃亲,长大了,理所当然要出嫁。It turned out that the girl child given Wawa Qin, grow up, of course, to get married.

两个女儿本来快要出嫁了,到头来只落得一场空。Two of her girls had been on the point of marriage, and after all there was nothing in it.

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你知道,女人过了四十想出嫁就难了,被恐怖分子杀死都比这容易。You know it's easier to get killed by a terrorist than get married over the age of fourty.

如果她真出嫁的话,老公一定是新泽西乡下地方某个俗不可耐的银行经理。If she does marry, it's going to have to be some boring bank manager who lives in New Jersey.

如果有了这三大件,那姑娘出嫁的时候是很有面子的。If there are these three major pcs, that miss gets married of time have high social standing.