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这是一个潜在的弱点。That is a potential weakness.

ESP的潜在应用领域包括Potential uses for ESP include

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但是这种聊天工具存在一个潜在的问题。But Chatroulette has a problem.

一些潜在的雇主纷纷对他们避而远之。Some potential employers shy away.

好吧,除了一点,潜在的一点。Well, except for one, potentially.

她潜在的顾客走开了。Her potential patrons wandered off.

非洲——潜在的增长极Africa as a Potential Pole of Growth

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识别潜在的歪斜和异常值。Identify potential skew and outliers.

自我怀疑可能是一种潜在的问题。Self-doubt can be a stealthy problem.

读者要是一个潜在的作者The reader should be a budding author.

他们同样是潜在候选人They're also the potential candidates.

读者要是一个潜在的作者“The reader should be a budding author."

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另一项潜在威胁是监管机构可能实施新的监管措施。Another looming threat is re-regulation.

来释放自己潜在的恐惧。To release the oneself to fear latently.

活断层是地震的潜在策源地。Active fault is the source of earthquake.

对每个选择的潜在收益作出估计。Estimate potential rewards for each pick.

裙边叶形具有可作为标记性状的潜在利用价值。It could be used as a new genetic marker.

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潜在的缺陷数目是相当大的。The number of potential defects is large.

译作是潜在的稀有商品。Translation is a potentially scarce item.

然而,潜在的土壤也许是肥沃的。Yet the underlying ground may be fertile.