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约西元前10世纪,大卫王曾短暂定都于希伯伦。King David made Hebron his capital briefly in the 10th century BC.

无论你身处何方,你的衣柜中肯定都会有一条蓝色的牛仔裤。No matter where you live, chances are you have a pair of blue jeans in there.

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不久之后,首都迁至费城,最后定都于华盛顿特区。Soon after, the capital was relocated to Philadelphia and then Washington D.C.

他目睹了亚历山大城的建立,并定都在那里。He had witnessed the founding of Alexandria, and established his capital there.

五代吴越和南宋王朝都曾在这里定都。Five Wu all has ever chosen site for capital here with south Sung dynasties more.

每一个绑定都可以为每一个类使用相同的元素名称,但是使用不同名称空间。Each binding can use the same element names for each class, but in a different namespace.

在阿曼的苏丹统治东非沿岸大部分地区时,就定都在桑给巴尔。The sultans of Oman were once in Zanzibar , when they ruled much of the East African coast.

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1260年,忽必烈继承汗位,后来定都于今天的北京。In 1260, Genghis Khan's grandson Kublai founded the Yuan Dynasty, with its capital in today's Beijing.

尤其是三国东吴早期定都镇江,促进了镇江文化、书法的发展。The Wu Kingdom set its capital in Zhenjiang, which developed the culture and calligraphy of Zhenjiang.

元代定都北京后,开始在这里设窑烧制皇宫用的琉璃瓦,因此而得名。Its capital Beijing after the Yuan Dynasty, began here in a kiln fired by the palace of the glazed tile, so named.

南宋定都临安,对杭州城市的发展产生了极其深远而重大的影响。The Southern Song Dynasty located its capital in tin An, which had a great influence on the development of Hangzhou.

科洛桑位于银河系的中心,是银河共和国的政府所在地,取而代之的帝国亦定都于此。Situated in the heart of the galaxy, Coruscant was the seat of government for the Galactic Republic and the Empire that supplanted it.

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以后,金、元、明、清各朝均定都北京,作为古代中国的政治中心一直延续了700多年。Later, the Jin, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties all made Beijing their capital, so that it served as China’s political center for 700 years.

而在很多相关的统计推论比如可分离性检定都必须知道样本共变异量的抽样分布。Hence, many statistical inferences such as testing the separability of the data require knowing the distributions of the sample covariogram.

刚刚提到的东罗马帝国延续到了1453年定都于君士坦丁堡-也就是现在的伊斯坦布尔。As just mentioned the Roman Empire in the East continued to exist until 1453 with its capital city being Constantinople – now known as Istanbul.

这里是依山拌水的平原,当然是一座天然要塞,人们对南昭国的统治者为什么要在这里定都一目了然。Enclosed by mountains, the lakeside plain is a true natual fortress and it is obvious why the Nanzhao rulers decided to establish their capital here.

巴基斯坦定都伊斯兰堡已长达50年之久,而拉瓦尔品第正是巴基斯坦军方总部所在地,丝绸之路贸易站也在附近。Islamabad is the 50-year-old capital of Pakistan, while Rawalpindi, the Silk Road trading post nearby, is where Pakistan’s army headquarters is located.

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秦和西汉定都关中,河洛地区在漕运和仓储上起着中转性的作用,为了漕运粮食的便利,中央政府对包括河洛地区在内的黄河水运通道进行了一系列治理。Qin and Xihan founded their capital in Guanzhong, and then the water transport and stores of grain in the Heluo Area played the part of transfer of grain.

景区西侧的最高峰名曰“定都峰”,正是传说中“燕王喜登定都峰,刘伯温一夜建北京”的所在地。The west side of the peak scenic Dubbed the "capital in peak" is a legend, "Yan Wang Teng-capital in Xi-feng, Liu Bowen night to build Beijing" is located.

在经过数不清的征服者,包括罗马人和摩尔人对这个城市的掠夺后,阿拉贡人建立了繁荣富强的加塞罗尼亚,定都于巴塞罗那。After numerous different conquers, including the Romans and the Moores that ravaged the city, the Argons made Catalonia, of which Barcelona was the capital.