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泥瓦工正在墙上抹灰。The plasterers were rendering the walls.

水泥类含纤维的增强抹灰砂浆。Cement based fiber reinforced rendering mortar.

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批荡料、墙面抹平料、抹灰砂浆及修补砂浆。Rendering material, wall face leveling material, plastering mortar and repair mortar.

他对于一系列无关紧要的丑闻的处理为自己抹灰,至少暂时如此。His handling of a series of minor scandals has dulled his sheen, at least temporarily.

立面的其余部分处理手法冷静,涂抹了白色的抹灰并开有设计严谨的窗洞。Rest of the façade has been treated calmly by white plastering and quite rigid window openings.

混合相型粉刷石膏是一种新型理想的墙体及顶棚抹灰材料。The mixed-phase plastering gypsum is a new type ideal plastering material for walls and ceilings.

外墙为实墙面,抹灰后,可喷涂料或铺瓷砖。尽量减少使用玻璃幕墙。Exterior wall is brick wall, plaster finished, ready for paint. Try to avoid using glass curtain wall.

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因为这些更多暴露在风中,涂有白色防水抹灰灰浆。As these are more exposed to the winds, they are coated with white-coloured waterproof rendering mortar.

采用粉刷石膏加气混凝土内墙抹灰材料可取得良好的技术经济效益。Using gypsum to plaster the aerated concrete interior wall can accomplish a good tech-economical benefit.

由于聚苯板薄抹灰等体系也存在施工质量难保证的题目。Because of polystyrene plastered etc system are also hard to ensure the construction quality of the topic.

有时候对天花板的一部分或者整体抹灰是隐藏表面贴装水管、电线的最好办法。Sometimes furring down part of or the entire ceiling is the best way to bury surface-mounted pipes or wires.

介绍一种轻型墙体-砂浆薄壁芯管外抹灰墙体及其施工方法。Out plastering wall with mortar thin walled core tube and its construction method were introduced in the paper.

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所有的人,甚至包括国王,都脱下他们华丽的衣服,穿上破旧的衣服并往自己脸上抹灰。All the people, even the King himself, took off their rich clothes, put on rags and rubbed ashes on their faces.

这个模型住宅展馆的设计是使黑色抹灰盒式结构坐落在一个动态的玻璃底座之上。The design of this model home gallery is an evocatively rendered black box perched atop of a dynamic glass plinth.

这种墙体解决了轻质墙体抹灰开裂、空鼓和裂缝等通病,具有施工工艺简单、操作方便等优点。This kind of lightweight wall had the advantages of simple construction and operation, not splitting and clicking.

管内穿线宜在建筑物抹灰、粉刷及地面工程结束后进行。Wiring through tubes should be performed after the plaster and whitewash of the building and construction of the floor.

从材料、施工技术及方法方面分析了造成墙面抹灰缺陷的原因,提出了一些预防控制措施。This paper analyzes the causation of filling cracks in aerated concrete block and puts forward a series of control measures.

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王和煦回复说包装车间外墙抹灰结束后,才能抽调工人去进行施工。Wang said the genial reply after the end of wall plaster packing plant, workers can be deployed to carry out the construction.

他们受雇于建筑公司,抹灰,砌墙及车床加工承包商,或者有可能成为自雇人士。They are employed by construction companies and by plastering, drywalling and lathing contractors, or they may be self-employed.

轻质墙体表面抹灰后,常会出现开裂、脱落等质量事故。For many reasons, there will be quality accident, such as crashing or peeling, after plastering to the light weight wall surface.