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我领导?Me leading?

我听从他的领导。I followed his lead.

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任务导向型领导风格。Task-oriented leadership.

谢谢您领导我们。Thank you for leading us.

他是个爱发号施令的领导。He is an officious leader.

他会成为一个好的领导。He will make a fine leader.

向部门领导汇报工作。Report to the Dept Manager.

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这也适用于领导。That applies to leadership.

你是这么样的领导?。What type of leaders are you?

领导品牌也会犯类似的错误。Leaders make similar mistakes.

狐步舞领导了一种新潮流。Fox-trot leading a new fashion.

他显示出领导才能。He shows quality of leadership.

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该团队由厄内斯特·狄克特领导。They were led by Ernest Dichter.

这同样适用于领导能力。It applies to leadership as well.

我们的领导又犯了大错。Our leaders have blundered again.

她非常崇拜她的领导。She deifies her leader very much.

大家都说你缺少领导风范。Everyone says you lack leadership.

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此外,他还肩负马龙礼教会法庭的领导工作。He also led the Maronite Tribunal.

她是一位值得尊重的领导。She is a leader worthy of respect.

领导阶层也是反亲欧派。The leadership is Eurosceptic too.