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立夏之后。After Summer Begins.

立夏意味着夏季的开始。It means the beginning of summer.

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今天是立夏节气。Today is the Beginning of Summer.

小司从口袋里掏出手机,看到是立夏。Xiaosi took the mobile out of the pocket. It was Li Xia.

立夏这天,我国民间还有很多趣味习俗。On the day of lixia, the Chinese have many other interesting folk customs.

如果是立夏达港,它会让你卡地还是会帮助你?When are Rishadan Ports, for instance, going to lead you more into mana-screw than help you?

立夏刚过,天气渐渐变热,可口的冰淇淋可算是解暑的良品。Everyone knows that nothing tastes as good as fresh, homemade food, and ice cream is no exception!

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而立春、立夏、立秋、立冬则反映了四季的开始。Start of Spring, Start of Summer, Start of Autumn and Start of Winter show the starts of the four seasons.

林奋把救生索套在手腕上,身子平躺立夏,准备迎接暴风雨的来临。Tying the lanyard around his wrist, Lim lay flat on the ledge, ready to cling to the decking when the squall broke.

根据风俗习惯,当地人会立鸭蛋,蒸糯米饭以及制作米面的雕塑来迎接立夏。It is a folk custom for local people to pickle duck's eggs, make glutinous rice and rice flour sculptures to greet "lixia", the beginning of summer.

最初只有夏至、冬至,随后逐渐增加了春分、秋分及立春、立夏、立秋、立冬。Later added were the Spring Equinox, the Autumnal Equinox, the Beginning of Spring, the Beginning of Summer, the Beginning of Autumn and the Beginning of Winter.