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马雅人知道如何生存。The Mayans know how to survive.

马雅人的历法预言了世界将于西元2012年12月21日毁灭。The Mayan calendar predicts that life will end on December 21, 2012.

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上星期末,在障碍赛跑中肯雅人轻而易举地赢得了金牌。Later in the week, the Kenyans waltzed off with gold medal in the steeplechase.

了解13跟20的力量,马雅人帮我们唤醒我们所有人的内在神性。Understanding the power of 13 and 20 as the Mayans helps us awaken God within all of us.

贝里斯原住民为马雅人,首批欧洲移民在一六三八年前后迁移于此。Originally inhabited by the Mayan people, Belize saw its first European settlers around 1638.

第一个为人所知的可可种植园,在约公元600年,由南部尤卡坦低地的马雅人所建立。The first known cocoa plantations were established by the Maya in the lowlands of south Yucatan about 600 AD.

巧克力最初发明是作为一种庆祝的啤酒-就像饮料和作为马雅人及阿兹特克人的地位象征。Chocolate was originally invented as a celebratory beer-like beverage and status symbol for the Aztecs and the Maya

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但马雅人仍然在尤卡坦半岛以及中美洲地区生活,许多人移居到Houston。But Maya people still live in the Yucatan peninsula and parts of Central America and many have emigrated to Houston.

同时,佔有一些重要堡垒的依杜默雅人,也骚扰犹太人,收留从耶路撒冷逃亡的人,意图发动战争。And the Jews that occupied the most commodious hold, received those that were driven out of Jerusalem, and attempted to make war.

同时,占有一些重要堡垒的依杜默雅人,也骚扰犹太人,收留从耶路撒冷逃亡的人,意图发动战争。And the Jews that occupied the most commodious hold, received those that were driven out of Jerusalem, and at- tempted to make war.

奇琴伊查库库尔坎金字塔可能是非常著名的马雅人的寺庙,一个美洲前文明有生命的现代的中美洲。Chichén Itzá is possibly the most famous temple city of the Mayas, a pre-Columbian civilization that lived in present day Central America.

在马雅人的信仰中,太阳是一位神,而且他们把“银河”称作“神树”,即通往来世的大门。Mayans developed their belief that our sun is a god and that they called the Milky Way a Sacred Tree, that's the gateway to the afterlife.

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在戈雅艺术公司,领袖是开明的,员工是激情的,活力工作和多彩生活是戈雅人的选择。In goyaart managerial staff are open-minded and employees enthusiastic. It is the work with vitality and colorful life that goyaart people choose.

即使是在马雅人弃城而去,导致查科本沦为一片废墟之后,当地部落仍然时常出入这处地带,尤其是来此狩猎和耕种。Even after the Maya abandoned the city, causing it to fall into ruins, local tribes continued to frequent the area, especially for hunting and farming.

土生土长在墨西哥和中美洲的马雅人,以先进的数学和建筑着称,也拥有极发达的历法。Indigenous to Mexico and Central America, the Maya became known for their advances in mathematics and architecture, and for their highly developed calendar.

为了把工作完成的漂亮,我们一鼓作气,从13号一直上班到27号,高效率、密集性的完成该完成的工作,然后把中秋节和国庆黄金周一起连休,10天的长假,让尚雅人享受一次难忘的漫长假期。In order to do a better job, we work from Sep. 13 to 27 without off, and we will have 10 days leave in the golden week, which is a unforgettable holiday for all of us.

中美洲文明社会像马雅人及阿兹特克人一样,享受由地面可可种子制成的巧克力,一种添加了调味料,辛辣,有泡沫的饮料。The chocolate enjoyed by later Mesoamerican civilizations like the Maya and Aztecs was made from ground cacao seeds with added seasonings, producing a spicy, frothy drink.

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其中,采纳汉姓汉名,更导致当代泰雅人在想象与表达自己的世系和祖先观念,以及进行祭祀活动时,发生了根本性的变化。Their adoption of Han-Chinese surnames has led to fundamental changes in their imagination and narration of their ancestry, as well as in their ancestral worship practices.

而马雅人的小孩以他们出生的那一天起名,所以他们立刻拥有灵性的名字,校准宇宙和他们的神圣任务。And the Mayan children get the name of the day, they are born, so they will have their spiritual name right from the beginning aligned with the universe and their divine mission.

根据星象图,古代的马雅人和科学家曾预言2012是地球末日,宇宙灾难将以某种形式发生。Based on the star charting, the ancient Mayans and Scientists prophesied that on the year 2012 would be the end of the earth cycle and some form will happen to the universal catastrophe.