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西边天空上有暴风雨在聚集。A storm is brewing in the west.

太阳绝不会从西边升上来。The sun never rises in the west.

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西边的太阳快要落山了。West of the sun going down-hill.

卡尔地夫在伦敦的西边。Cardiff is to the west of London.

它在西边和东边,It's on the west and the east side,

太阳从西边慢慢落下了。The sun lowered slowly in the west.

环形码头西边就是岩石区。West of Circular Quay is The Rocks.

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一只银色的海鸥从西边滑降。A silver gull slips down from the west.

狮群移居到西边的树林里。The lions emigrated to the western woods.

乐队很快更名,“西边”诞生了。A quick name change and Westside was born.

狮群移居到西边的树林里。Thee lions emigrated to the western woods.

林肯纪念堂西边面向看法。A west-facing view of the Lincoln Memorial.

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过了这些岩石海岸线就折向西边了。Beyond the rocks the coastline bends westward.

在成都西边有一个美食街。There is a food street in the west of Chengdu.

喏,就在西边第一排房子的第一个门。Ahoy, the first house of first row in the west.

图书馆楼在办公楼西边。Libraray is in the west of the office building.

在北京西边,修筑者们遇到了粘土。West of Peking, the builders struck sticky clay.

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西边的天空泛满了淡黄的亮光。The sky in the west was full of pale-yellow light.

肉品市场区在第14街的西边。The Meatpacking District is around 14th street west.

一夜之间,这艘船漂向了西边,留下一道长长的。Overnight the ship drifted in a long arc to the west.