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大多数文稿在表达的时候没有被改善。Most drafts do not improve upon delivery.

我们一天收到几份打出的文稿。We receive several new typescripts a day.

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演示文稿将以幻灯片模式显示。The presentation will be in slideshow mode.

演示文稿有时候不正如一把利刃吗?Is not PPT something like a set of sharp knives?

我打算星期三上午把校对好的文稿送交给编辑,没问题吧?I'll get the proofs to the editor by Wednesday morning, OK?

他去世时留下大量尚未整理的文稿。At his death he left a great mass of undigested manuscripts.

论文稿应为电脑列印,双倍行距等。Essay manuscripts should be typewritten, double-spaced, etc.

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在交付印刷之前他校正文稿。He emended the typescript before sending it to the printers.

重写文稿。一定要一板一眼以论文格式写出来。Do your second draft. Do not skip lines. Write in "essay form. ""

经过审查后,第二次的文稿应该到8月底将是可用的。Following review, second drafts should be available by end-August.

要激活该命令,请在当前演示文稿中贴入链接的对象。To enable this command, paste a link into the active presentation.

我把这些文稿拿在手里摇晃着,想给自己更多的慰藉。I wagged the pages in my hand, trying to devise further consolations.

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一夜间校对的文稿标签都在我的舌尖上跳舞,达尔马提亚—我曾拿到为这个美丽的珠宝胜地做的广告。All the tag ends of a night's proofing danced on the tip of my tongue.

所以它可能是值得尝试修复安装的文稿。So it might be worth it to just try repairing the install of TypeScript.

马丁处理完了所有的文稿,长吁了一口气,他如释重负。Martin heaved a sigh of relief when he had disposed of the last manuscript.

比尔·盖茨出价高于意大利最富的银行,从而使这份文稿留在了美国。Bill Gates saw that it stayed there by outbidding the richest bank in Italy.

使用演示文稿文档的话,你还可以不连续的移动演示文稿。With PowerPoint you can also move through your presentation non-sequentially.

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现存的25份文稿全都写在木板上,其中有些篇幅很长。There are only 25 inscriptions, some quite long, and all written on driftwood.

做好文稿的初审工作是办好高质量科技期刊的重要环节。Editor's initial evaluation is a key to publish high quality academic journals.

所谓文本,系指马恩原著与未发表的文稿。The so-called text, means the Isle of Man original and unpublished manuscripts.