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蟹子实正须要的是心头的夸奖。What Crabs are really seeking is oral gratification.

水稻灌浆过程是子实吸收养分和水分的过程。Rice milking stage is a process in that seeds absorb nutrient and water.

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方法棘托竹荪子实体用乙酸乙酯常温和80℃提取,抑菌试验采用牛津小杯法。METHODS D. echinovolvata is extracted by ethyl acetate in room temperature and at 80℃.

某些担子菌的子实层中的棒状菌丝也称为侧丝。Club-shaped hyphae in the hymenial layer of certain basidiomycete fungi are also termed paraphyses.

两种植物的子实及其颖片在大小和形态上极其相似。The size and morphological characterization of the glume of the fruit of the two plants are very similar.

粮饲兼用型玉米秸秆调制的青贮饲料明显好于子实型玉米品种。The silage made of grain and forage corn variety was significantly better than that of grain corn variety.

孢子形成于子实体内,在其开裂时散布出来,由风、昆虫、溅水等传播。Spores are formed inside fruiting bodies, and come out at opening and spread by wind, insects, water splash.

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玉米蜡质基因之作用虽系改变胚乳内淀粉之组成,但亦会影响到子实之物理特性及幼苗之生长。Waxy gene can affect the starch composition and physical characters of corn kernels as well as seedling vigour.

本论文采用有机溶剂浸提法提取小刺猴头菌子实体中化学成分。Solvent extracting method was employed to thoroughly extract chemical compositions from the fruiting body of H. caput-medusae.

结果表明,各种药剂对双孢蘑菇的子实体形态和单菇重量影响不明显。The results indicated that the investigated fungicides had no obvious effect on the shape of sporocarp and single mushroom weight.

如进行吸湿处理,非蜡质子实较易吸收水分,进行乾燥处理则以蜡质子实较易失去水分。The rate of water absorption of non-waxy kernels was higher than that of waxy kernels under treatment in saturated moisture condition.

从巴西蘑菇子实体中提取的水溶性粗多糖经过脱蛋白、脱色等步骤获得半纯品多糖。Crude polysaccharide was obtained from Agaricus blazei Murill fruiting body by hot water extraction, ethanol precipitation and pronase treatment.

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单位面积上玉米子实和秸秆粗蛋白最大产量,是确定玉米最适收获时期的关键因素。The maximum yield of corn kernel and straw crude protein in unit area is critical factor to determine the optimum harvesting maturity stage of corn.

以上实验也证明了金顶侧耳子实体中洛伐他汀的存在,为金顶侧耳的降血脂活性提供了依据。These experiments confirmed the existence of Lovastatin again in P. citrinopileatus and provided evidence for its function of lowering serum lipids.

为明瞭蜡质基因之效应,本试验乃以不同组合之非蜡质与蜡质子实测定其含水量及容积重。In this experiment non-waxy and waxy kernels derived from different cross combinations were harvested for moisture content and bulk density determinations.

通过对不同品种在多环境条件下的子实产量及稳定性的通径分析,认为倒伏对玉米的产量及其稳定性的影响最大。Using the method of the path—coefficient analysis Studied the grain yield and stability of different maize varieties under the condition of poly-environment.

白灵菇多糖不仅仅存在于子实体中,经发酵获得的菌丝体和发酵液也是多糖的主要来源之一。The polysaccharides of Pleurotus nebrodensis not only exist in its fruiting bodies, but also in the mycelia and fermentation broth obtained from liquid culture.

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雄穗开花日数及雌穗吐丝日数间以互相补偿之机制对果穗及子实性状造成影响,但是此在不同季节及不同性状间之表现有差异。Thirdly, compensation effect existed between days to tasseling and days to silking, but varied among different crop seasons and different ear and kernel characters.

从猴头菌属真菌的子实体、菌丝体及菌丝发酵液中分离得到的多糖统称为猴头菌属真菌多糖。Polysaccharides of the fungi in genus Hericium are one of the polysaccharides isolated from fruit-bodies or mycelium or fermented liquor from the fungi in genus Hericium.

实验研究了金银花茎藤培养基培养香菇子实体中的蛋白质、香菇多糖以及绿原酸、木犀草素苷等的含量状况。This experiment found the content of protein, lentinan polysaccharide, Chlorogenic acid and Luteolin-glucoside in shiitake mushroom as stem and rattan of honeysuckle culture medium.