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他朝天时冷冷地笑着。He smiled coldly at the angel.

靠噶天时想热善我莫?This hot weather would die me?

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了。也得看天时地利人和。Also get see weather land utilization a person with.

丁日被阎罗王打伤,遇兆天时求他救一山。Ding was wounded in Yama, Zhao day ask him to save a mountain.

天时,地利,人和,与您共享!Favorable climatic, geographical and human conditions, share with you!

有时候一个完美的作品天时地利人和缺一不可。Sometimes things come along at the perfect time and it's sort of fate.

他的工作对欧元区的成形产生了很大的影响,这确实是天时人和。That was good timing because his work was influential in shaping the euro zone.

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那时的国君叫祖乙,天时风云的不测,使他很苦恼。At that time the king called ZuYi, days of the contingency, made him very upset.

登峰取决于天时、地利、人和。Climbing a peak depends on favorable climatic, geographical and human conditions.

天时名苑楼盘显示了楼市是如何的急转直下。The Heavenly Famous Garden complex shows how quickly the market has run into a wall.

当这两个朋友像往常一样地喝酒聊天时﹐尔旦的妻子到卧室里去睡觉了。While the two friends were drinking and talking as usual, Er Dan's wife went to bed.

考虑到天时地利人和,你认为休伊特在比赛中有什么优势?Q.What does the home?court advantage mean to Lleyton Hewitt in terms of crowd support?

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本次研讨会的举行可谓“天时、地利、人和”。I believe that this seminar comes at the right time, right place and with the support of people.

公司在克拉玛依油田,塔指油田,鄯鄯油田有着很好的天时、地利、人和。In the Karamay Oilfield, the tower that field, Shan Shan oilfield has a good climate, geography, and.

这次比赛,他们占尽了天时、地利、人和,我相信他们一定能赢。They have favorable climatic and geographical conditions in the competition. I believe they will win.

当我和你们中某些人聊天时,我感觉到,你们应该好好复习微积分I got the feeling, when I was talking to some of you guys, that maybe you should brush up on your calculus.

和顺,一座滇西小镇,占尽了天时地利人和。Heshun, a small township in west Yunnan, has favorable climatic and geographic conditions and unity of people.

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本公司是从单客户-天时达集团公司发展起来的手机配件商。Our company is mobile phone accessories manufacturer by development from single customer-Telsda Group company.

没有帕特拉斯基,耶汉?达斯是没有办法在下雪天时拖着装运牛奶罐的拖车,走在泥泞不堪的路上。Without Patrasche, Jehan Daas was not able to pull the cart of milk cans along the deep muddy road on snowy days.

天长日久,他发现每隔三百六十多天,四季就轮回一次,天时的长短就重复一遍。Constant, daily, he found more than 360 days every four seasons on the cycle of time, the length of day on repeat.