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好好养伤。Keep wound well.

在医院养伤期间,我开始阅读圣经。While I was there, I took to reading the Bible.

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我仔细给它包扎好,然后做了一个小鸟笼让它在里面养伤。I bound up its wound and made a small birdcage for it to recover.

阿芙罗狄蒂哭泣着逃奔到奥林匹斯山上去养伤并求得安慰。Aphrodite fled weeping to Mount Olympus to be healed and comforted.

如今他在洛杉矶养伤,维多利亚则在伦敦出差。He is now recovering in Los Angeles while Victoria is on a business trip in London.

阿亚拉现在正在梅尔伍德养伤,但一月份他仍有可能被租借到其他球队。Ayala is now recuperating at Melwood, though he could be loaned out again in January.

无法完成比赛的博尔特在莫斯埃斯帕的一间医疗中心养伤,直至康复。Unable to finish the race, Bolt recovered from his injuries at a Mos Espa med center.

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格伦沃尔德精心治疗他的冻伤,并把他掩藏到湖对岸的一处偏僻的棚屋里养伤。He treated Baalsrud’s frostbite and hid him in a remote shed across a lake to recover.

“因为我长期养伤,我在切尔西没获得什么机会,”他承认,“我觉得我不会得到很多机会,所以我希望离开,加盟伟大的俱乐部,踢欧冠联赛对我来说是很好的机会。“I didn’t get a chance at Chelsea because I was injured,” he admitted. “I was unlucky.

我儿既然有法子娶回小七来,还不打起精神来好好养伤?My son since has way to marry back small also don't take heart to keep wound well seventh, ?

李大夫让那五常想办法搞到二双养伤需要的药,那五常只有去找马上花。Li let the Wuchang get two pairs of drugs that need to recuperate, only to immediately take wuchang.

逃亡途中,他被阿辉的妹妹解救,随后来到老朋友家养伤。In fugitive road, he by little sister rescue of A Hui, will to old friend home be raised subsequently.

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在去雁山县城之前,林振海来探望受伤的李彪,并留给李彪养伤的银元。In the wild mountains, before go to visit LinZhenHai county injured, and stay LiBiao LiBiao injured silver.

年轻时候的布朗在打橄榄球时,视网膜脱落。他养伤的数周里呆在漆黑的屋子里。In his youth he suffered a detached retina playing rugby. He spent weeks in a darkened room as he recuperated.

躲起来养伤的黑三被擦皮鞋的小女孩二妮子发现,报告给公安局。Three black to hide the wounds of the shoeshine girl two girl was found, report to the public security bureau.

这群响马养养伤,吃顿热乎饭,一个个马上就能成为精神焕发的好汉。These ring Ma Yang to reserve bruise and dine peppery rice, a can become in high spirits good brave fellow at once.

他表示,六个月以来的养伤相当煎熬,但也让他思考良多,而现在就是高挂球衣的时刻。He said that healing the past six months was very hard, but it gave him time to think that now is the time to retire.

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2007年当朴槿惠受到刺客袭击后,她在崔顺德家住了大约一周来养伤。When Park was attacked by an assailant in 2007, she spent about a week at Soon-deuk's home recovering from her facial wound.

他在电话中还问我,如果他负了伤,是该在得克萨斯州还是在宾夕法尼亚州的家中养伤。He was calling to ask me where he should convalesce in the event of his being injured, there in Texas or at home in Pennsylvania.

包子将会无缘英格兰对西班牙和瑞典的热身赛,感染了的脚踝命令他要继续养伤。哪儿也不许去。Gerrard will miss England's forthcoming friendlies with Spain and Sweden as he continues his recuperation from an ankle infection.