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边防战士在站岗。The border guards are on guard.

“我亲自去站岗!”伊林说。"I'll be sentinel myself! " said Ilyin.

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孤独的灯塔在巴塔哥尼亚沿岸站岗。Alone lighthouse stands guard on the Patagonia coast.

警察列队在铁丝网路障旁站岗守卫。Lines of police stood guard by barbed-wire barricades.

不久之后,他就开始默默地在南塔站岗。Soon after he quietly took his post at the South Tower.

一个站岗骑士在街上千了个磨碌。A knight of the post bobbed a leatherhead on the street.

他们走进门口一名站岗的士兵,然后T-1000说明了意图。They approached one of the guards, and the T-1000 spoke.

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“站岗”——2007程兆星油画展河南十方艺术馆。"Guard" --- Exhibition of Zhao Xing Chen's Painting. 2007.

然后斯派茨小睡了一会儿。小鸟为它站岗放哨,防止狗跑过来。Then spats took a catnap, and the bird looked out for dogs.

韩佳,为什么这座桥有边防部队在站岗呢?。Han Jia, why are frontier soldiers standing guard on the bridge?

今年4月,北朝鲜的战士在板门店站岗。Here, North Korean soldiers stand guard in Panmunjom this April.

如果我们足够警惕,你会发现我们经常是在站岗。If we are alert enough, we’ll notice that we are always on guard.

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沿着城墙,设有许多烽火台,过去的士兵用来站岗的。Along the wall are watchtowers, where soldiers used to keep watch.

白金汉宫前有皇家禁卫军站岗。The platinum has Royal palace guards to stand guard before the temple.

那儿和这一带其他角落一样,也有一胩警察站岗。There,as the other corners in this vicinity,a policeman was stationed.

林肯总统的包厢在舞台一侧的上方,一般来说,警卫通常都在包厢门口外站岗,然而,在这天晚上,包厢外面没有警卫站岗,警卫离开了这个没有守卫的包厢。On this night, however, the guard did not remain. He left the box unprotected.

一天晚上,正好是他的一个结义兄弟站岗。A few nights later, one of these carefully selected friends was on sentry duty.

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站岗的军卫仍面朝停机坪外面,看来一点怀疑也没有。Army that stands guard is face to outside and seems not to have a bit of suspects.

防暴警察在许多十字路口站岗,有些还携带上了刺刀的步枪。Riot police stand guard at many intersections, some of them carrying bayoneted rifles.

镇暴警察在甘肃省夏河县的主要广场站岗。Riot policemen stand guard the main square of Xiahe town Gansu province March 17, 2008.