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上林草尽没,曲江冰复结。On the grass do not, Qujiang ice complex knot.

对祁连山排露沟林草复合流域土壤水分状况进行了系统研究。The paper studied the soil water status in Pailugou forest and grass complex watershed in Qilian Mountains.

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概述了林草复合生态系统对林木和土壤的影响及林草复合的生态效益和经济效益。This paper summarized the effects of tree-grass complex system on trees and soil and its ecological and economic benefits.

据史料考证,历史上的黄土高原曾经是林草茂盛、环境优美、经济繁荣的区域。According to the historical data, it was an area with dense forests and grasslands, good environment and flourishing economy.

旨在为科学评价与宏观监测黄土高原林草植被受鼠害影响,有效的治理鼠害提供决策支持。The aim is to provide supports for evaluating and monitoring vegetation damaged by rats in the Loess Plateau and controlling rodent harms.

适当配置抗逆性强的草本植物和乔木植物,形成林草搭配、灌乔相间的各种种植模式。Appropriate match grasses and arbors of stress resistance to form cultivation models of forest and grass mixture, bush and arbor alternate.

在皇甫川流域,随着林草覆盖度的增加,植被与水的矛盾日益突出,其中一个重要的问题就是植被密度与土壤水分之间的矛盾。With an increase in vegetation coverage, there can be a decrease in soil water content due to uptake and evapotranspiration by the vegetation.

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孢粉分析结果表明,沙地内植被发育较好,盖度增加,形成干草原-疏林草原景观。Pollens were analyzed to certify that the vegetation cover increased and the landscapes of the sandy land were dry grassland or wood grassland.

采用单因素参数敏感性分析方法,研究了林草系统水量平衡的的参数敏感性。The sensitivity of parameters on water budget in different forest and grass ecosystems were studied using single-dimensional sensitivity analysis.

黄土高原的生态恢复要遵从景观生态学原理,科学理解黄土高原生态恢复的涵义,合理选择林草恢复措施等。The signification of eco-reconstruction must be scientifically apprehended and some reasonable measurements of restoring woods and grasses selected.

劳动人民在平治水土的实践中积累了丰富经验,尤其是在利用林草保持水土方面创造出许多有效措施。The laboring people accumulated much experiences and valid measures in the practice of soil and water conservation, especially using forest and grass.

林草模式根际与非根际之间、自然草模式根际与非根际之间有机质含量动态变化相关性都不显著。Organic matter dynamics on the rhizosphere soil and non-rhizosphere soil in forest-herb model and natural grass model were not significant correlation.

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黄土高原地区深层土壤干燥化是人工林草植被过度耗水导致土壤水分负平衡的结果。The desiccation of deep soil layer on the Loess Plateau results from the gradual depletion of storing water during the process of vegetation rehabilitation.

第三章结合黔江区,研究了退化森林生态系统林草培育的基本理论和技术。In chapter 3, related to Qianjiang district, the basic theories and technology of forest and grass cultivation of degraded forest ecosystems were researched.

制定了林草植被恢复与重建的目标和程序,确定了适合本区的林草农田配置模式,提出了乔灌树种的配置方案和牧草的种植模式。The growing curve of countryside tree is drawn. The aims and programs of restoration and reconstruction are constructed and their distributive model is portrayed.

针对铁路安全运输生产的要求,采用多种造林技术措施,乔灌草相结合,阻固造封并举,迅速恢复沿线林草植被。According to the demands of railway's safe transportation and production, several kinds of forestation technology have been adopted to recover vegetation along railway.

黄土高原丘陵沟壑区林草植被建设对控制水土流失和农业可持续发展具有双重意义。Construction of forest and grass vegetation has dual significances to control of soil losses and sustainable development of agriculture in hilly areas of the loess plateau.

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植被下土壤干化的普遍发生,不应当妨碍黄土高原进一步开展林草植被建设。So soil desiccation occurance generally by vegetation should not be taken as a reason to doubt or even negate forest and grass vegetation construction in the Loess Plateau.

湖州市四种农田生态系统中,以林草系统最稳定,而桑园系统最容易发生土壤微量元素的缺乏状况。In the four agricultural ecosystem of Huzhou City the forest-grass ecosystem was the most stable and the Mulberry ecosystem easiest to suffer the lack of the trace elements.

因而如何合理有效地利用土壤水资源就成为保证农作物和林草植被生理需水、改善生态环境的关键。Therefore how to utilize soil water resource rationally and effectively become the keys to guarantee physiological water requirements of vegetation and improve eco-environment.