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布莱斯已从教五年。Blythe has taught for five years.

布莱斯已从教五年。Ms. Blythe has taught for five years.

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我把他从教师里推了出来。I pushed him out of the teachers and he shouted angrily.

我是在大学从教二十年的老师,今年夏天读了康妮教授的书。As a university teacher for 20 years, I read Connie Mum's book this summer.

我一直在职业学校从教,该学校就在街对面。I have been teaching at a vocational school , which is just across the street.

人们需要从教会得到的是教育和指导,而是不溺爱和纵容。People need structure and direction from the church not coddling and indulgence.

从教十二年,有丰富的教学经验,独特的教学方式。From teach for 12 years, there is abundant teaching experience, special teaching method.

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我是一名从教二十年的大学老师,今年夏天读了康妮教授的书。Having been a university teacher for 20 years, I recently read Connie Mum's book this summer.

跟你说实话,我从教快30年了,还从没见过这样的学生。To tellyou the truth, I have been teaching for 30 years, but I did not see a student like him.

中秋节刚过,请问这是你们来中国从教以来度过的第几个中秋节?Just a few days after Mid-Autumn Day, may I ask how many Mid-Autumn Days you have celebrated in China?

言重吹著海风,还未待天从教晓他开启看剧程式,已在打瞌睡。YanChong blow the sea wind, also not stay Open Day teach xiao he watch drama programs, has been dozing.

他们还说,他们经常进行演义,蜷伏在课桌底下以躲避从教室外经过的车上扫射来的子弹。They also said they did practice drills crouching under their desks in the event of a drive-by shooting.

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然后我想是你招我过来的,看起来好像从教那些该死的小混蛋们的教师岗位上退休了。Then I thought that you'd invite me up, seeing as I'm retired from teaching those goddamn little chalk-eaters.

从教以来,怀着对教育工作的热爱和执着,以严谨的治学态度勇于探索。Teacher education to work, with the love and dedication, rigorous doing scholarly research attitudes to explore.

我从教多年,见证了数百名学生在预科学习中的进步。In my numerous years of teaching, I've seen hundreds of students developing while they attend foundation courses.

她认为,在城市学校从教难度很大,并且很多训练时间都是不必要的。She says teaching in a city school is extremely difficult and more training time is not necessarily what is needed.

很荣幸今年我能在天津泰达枫叶国际学校从教,每周教二年一班5节课!I am pleased to be teaching 5 periods a week in Grade 2.1 at Tianjin TEDA Maple Leaf International School this year!

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大多数人认为经商比从教好,可是在我看来,从教比经商更有回报。Most people think that going into business is preferable to teaching, while in my opinion, teaching is more rewarding.

一开始我是从教儿童英语开始,也因为这个经验,奠定了我教授初级学生该有的耐心及热情。In fact, my first teaching experience was with kids. Through this, I became very patient and passionate with my students.

作为小提琴教育家的丁芷诺,在从教近五十年的教学生活中做出了卓越的贡献。As a violin educator, Professor Zhinuo Ding made an outstanding contribution in her teaching life for nearly five decades.