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别忘了重肉桂糖果,1到2块就足够解馋了。And don’t forget cinnamon hard candy.

肉食的量要少,以解馋为主。Less the amount of meat, mainly to satisfy their craving.

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中午我去了一家寿司餐厅解解馋,缓解一下长时间对亚洲食物的相思之苦。This noon I went to a Sushi restaurant to release my sick of Asian food.

有没有什么东西既能为我们解馋又有助于减肥呢?Could there be a substance that both gives us the munchies and can help combat obesity?

那神医也不管事,倒是赤脚医生的半瓶盐水解馋,牙掉了半颗再没有上火。The doctor does not work, it is the barefoot doctor half bottle of saline tooth, tooth away half a no fire.

是的,欢乐良宵。看电影之前先喝点酒解馋。文明人的文明世界。Yeah, happy hour. A couple of drinks maybe an early dinner before the theater. A civilized place for civilized men.

找一种健康的零食来随身携带,来代替香烟解馋。Find a healthy snack food you can keep with you and use in place of cigarettes to quench that urge for oral gratification.

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有研究显示,选择通过以坚果干果类食物“解馋”的减肥者不仅不能如愿以偿减轻体重,…Research shows that dieters who snack on nuts, seeds or dried fruit could actually be putting on weight, rather than losing it.

解渴、解馋又解饱。假如你两杯装的满满的甜西瓜进肚,其实也只有96个卡路里。由于它里面有好多液体,弄得你感到饱了。Quench cravings There are only 96 calories in two fill- you -up cups of sweet watermelon, and its high liquid content makes you feel full.

即使是在工作,他们也不忘把酒一桶桶一杯杯地往嘴里倒,而娃娃们就在空了的酒桶里玩耍,舔桶里剩下来的那些黏糊糊的糖分解馋。Even at work they had casks and cups of sak?at hand, while children played in the empty kegs and licked the gummy sugar left in some of them.

虽然看起来金宝汇里逛街的多是女性,消费者似乎也只是在橱窗外看看、解解馋而已,但很多销售人员都表示,他们的主要客户群是男性。Although the Jinbao Palace Mall seems to have more women shopping and window shopping, many of the sales staff said men were the main customers.

只需要89元就可以吃到如此美味的火锅,你还在犹豫神马呢约上好友来一起解馋吧!Only 89 yuan can have so delicious hot pot, you are still hesitant about friends come together Shenma would satisfy a craving for delicious food!

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这样吧,你可以跟我进厨房学炒菜,一来给我帮帮忙,二来可以顺便闻闻油烟来解解馋。So be it, you can learn with me into the kitchen cooking, one to give me help out, and secondly, you can smell the fumes from passing to Jiejie Chan.

何不换种活法,去攀爬更多的高山,多吃点冰激淋解解馋,经常光着脚闲游漫步,在更多的河流里畅游,多多欣赏夕阳西下,多点欢笑,少些泪花。Instead, climb more mountains, eat more icecream, go barefoot more often, swim more rivers, watch more sunset, laugh more and cry less. Life must be lived as we go along.

苏可因家庭困难不顾危险小小年纪去当杂技员,苏岚20岁就去当了兵,俩人争相将巧克力和饼干寄回来给妹妹弟弟解馋。Sue can be due to family difficulties at an early age to be acrobatics, regardless of the danger Su Lan 20 years as a soldier, two people rushed to send chocolate and biscuits back to sister brother.