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他出身高贵。He is of noble birth.

我很高。千叶県出身。I'm tall. I'm from Chiba.

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他出身于什么样的家庭?Of what family is he from?

一只出身在西班牙塞戈维亚的小猫。Cat Born in Segovia, Spain.

他出身于穷苦人家。He came from a poor family.

他出身于一个贫苦家庭。He rose from a poor family.

我出身于贫苦的家庭…I was born of poor parents.

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王子出身高贵。The prince is of good Birth.

他出身于一九八○年七月十六日。He was born on July 16, 1980.

但是他的出身却是微贱的。Yet his beginnings were humble.

我是一个金融家出身。My background is as a financier.

林肯总统出身贫窭。President Lincoln was born poor.

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将军出身行伍。The general rose from the ranks.

他出身于一个贫穷家庭。He comes from a very poor family.

2009年,出身于南非德班的双头蛇。Born in Durban, South Africa, 2009

他比他的邻居出身高贵。He was nobler than his neighbours.

你出身于一个居无定所的家庭。You come from an itinerant family.

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林肯总统出身清贫。President Lincoln was born barren,.

她出身于名门望族。She comes from a well-known family.

她出身于一个小康之家。She comes from a well-to-do family.