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远足时要轻装上阵。When traveling, pack light.

必要时轻装上阵。Travel light when necessary.

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我轻装上阵,带了大行李袋。I packed light and carried a big duffel.

写一份白皮书要全村人齐上阵。It took a village to create a whitepaper.

空袭,大炮和坦克轮番上阵。Air strikes, artillery and tanks have been used.

顾小五亲自上阵杀敌,突厥全军履灭。Gu five personally to kill, destroy Turkic army.

机械鲨鱼披甲上阵,挑战性更强!Mechanical sharks armored battle more challenging!

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只要神一呼召,神的子民便会披甲上阵。God's people would go to war whenever he called on them.

男女老少齐上阵。Men and women, old and young, all pitched into the work.

在学校你每天要上七节课,常常七个老师轮番上阵。School means seven classes with seven different teachers.

你们应准备盾牌铠甲,冲锋上阵!Prepare ye the shield and buckler, and go forth to battle.

在三年时间里,他仅仅为俱乐部一队上阵6分钟。He played six minutes of first-team football in three years.

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怀着一种失败主义的态度上阵根本没有任何意义。There is no point going out there with a defeatist attitude.

热拉尔教会我很多,他给予我为利物浦上阵的自信。Gerard taught me a lot and he gave me the confidence to play.

当然,这使得团队能够轻装上阵,以更加轻松的心态来开发软件。Which, of course, made it easier for the team to build software.

对很多运动员而言,负伤上阵是标准的做法。For many athletes, playing through injuries is standard practice.

上阵杀敌必须团结,这已是一个广泛被接受的准则。The need for unity is a well-accepted norm in the conduct of war.

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带着一棵开放的心轻装上阵,活力四射。Travel lighter on your journey with an open heart and feel alive.

图雷因为患病和一个臀部问题也只上阵了相同的时间。Toure has had similar match-time due to illness and a hip problem.

首发上阵的中后搭配卢西奥和胡安就是神来之笔。It starts with the phenomenal center-back pairing, Luicio and Juan.