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她为他让座。She offered him her seat.

他给一位老人让座。He gave up his seat to an old man.

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我们应该让座给老人。We should to offer the seats to those elders.

我在公共汽车上为一位带着孩子的妇女让座。I made room for a woman with child on the bus.

他给一位抱孩子的妇女让座。He offered his seat to a woman carrying a bady.

主人让座又让茶,十分热情。The host offers seat and tea with sheer warmth.

在车上给老人让座是一种好的举止。It's good manners to give seats to the old in the bus.

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在公交车上,他会给老人或者女士让座。On the bus, he gives his seat to an old person or a lady.

公交车上是否让座是一种自愿的行为。Giving up your seat on public transport is a voluntary act.

公交车上,我们要主动给老幼让座。On the bus we should offer our seats to the old, and young.

他说,在公共汽车上常常有人给他让座。He said it is very often that people give him their seat on bus.

不时有几个老大爷上车,我们大家都抢着让座。Sometimes a few old man to get on the car, we all rob the seats.

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她拒绝让座的行为导致了蒙哥马利巴士抵制运动。Her refusal to give up her seat led to the Montgomery Bus Boycott.

帕克斯夫人是由于未给一名白人乘车者让座而被捕。Rosa Parks, was arrested for not giving a white bus rider her seat, Mrs.

坐公车时,你经常给别人让座吗?太棒了!我也经常让。Do you often offer your seat to others on a bus? That's great! I do, too!

他走到了我的对面,麻面老王早已让座立起来。He walks to my opposite, tingle noodles the old king have already let sign.

他微笑着站了起来,为我们让座,热气腾腾的一杯杯热茶随即出现在眼前。He smiles, jumps to his feet and offers usseats. Cups of steaming tea appear.

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可是,当你在公交车上看见一个女生时,作为一个男生你会让座吗?But, when you see a female student on the bus, will you offer your seat to her?

乘车时你有主动给老人和小孩让座的习惯吗?Do you have the habit that giving place to elder or kid forwardly when you got on?

我本能地刚要起身让座,那个老婆婆扶着门把手,眼睛飞速地向车里巡视一遍,然后毫不犹豫地往我身上一坐。I was just about to give my seat to them when the old woman quickly sat on my laps.