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俺们吃了年糕句号。We eat rice cakes.

调味年糕.Flavoured rice cakes.

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如上所讲的,就是这块年糕的故事。The above was the story of the rice-cake.

请带走一些年糕吧,想要多少就拿多少!Please take as much as rice cake you want!

将来我会成为一个卖辣炒年糕的小贩。In the future I'm going to be a Ddokboki seller.

将年糕和鸡丝入锅。Return the rice cakes and prepared chicken into wok.

和山芋,年糕,大葱,生姜等一起炒。And potato, rice cakes, green onions, ginger, and fry.

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糍粑,有些地方也叫年糕、粑糍。Ciba, in some places, also known as rice cakes, DCB Ci.

北方人普遍吃饺子、面条和年糕。Northerners generally eat dumplings, noodles and rice cakes.

年糕以苏州观前街的稻香村年糕为最佳品。Cakes of Suzhou Guanqian of Daoxiang cake as the best product.

炒年糕是年糕的特色吃法。Fried New Year cake is an unique method of eating New Year cakes.

我必须承认我钟爱于这种奇怪的年糕。I have to admit that I am partial to the odd flavoured rice cake.

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很好,相对于年糕,我们都喜欢奥利奥,没什么惊讶的。Fine, great, we all like Oreos more than rice cakes. No surprise there.

在她们贫穷的家里,一块小小的年糕都是无上的美味了啊。Being an extremely poor family, a rice cake was the most delicious food.

这种支链淀粉的树状结构正是年糕能拉长的真正原因。This tree structure of amylopectin is the cake can lengthen the real reason.

辣炒年糕是一款用圆柱形米糕,又称年糕棒,做成的小吃。Tteokbokki is a dish made from cylinder-shaped rice cakes called garaetteok.

男孩是非常惊奇的,并且很想知道为什么这块年糕会沉眠在海中?The boy was so frightened and wondered why the rice-cake had been among the sea.

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他旁边的女孩在吃一块年糕,她说她想做地球。The girl next to him was eating a rice cake. She wanted to be the Earth, she said.

从元旦橘子想到除夕的年糕、枇杷,此刻大概已经过时,荔枝快要上市了。The time for loquats is perhaps now over, but lychees will soon be in full season.

难道就不能出售很小的年糕来降低噎死的风险吗?Is it that hard to sell smaller bite-sized mochi to reduce the opportunity of choking?