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他是个热忱的爱国志士。He is an ardent patriot.

她是热忱的爱国志士。She is an ardent patriot.

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亲戚是热忱的。Relatives will be cordial.

你必须要非常自信、很热忱。You have to be assertive and cordial.

他的心被对方要求以诚相见的热忱攫住了。The zeal for honesty had eaten him up.

我们缺乏忠诚、自豪感和热忱。We lack staunchness, pride and enthusiasm.

赫斯渥十分热忱地和他们握手道别。Hurstwood shook hands with them most cordially.

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我确信做很多事情都需要有热忱。I believe in doing lots of things with gusto.??

我们热忱欢迎海内外新老客户莅临指导。We warmly welcome new and old clients to visit.

我真的真的对语言学很有热忱。I really, I really am passionate for linguistics.

他们扼杀了孩子的精神和热忱。They limit the spirit and enthusiasm of children.

协会热忱欢迎各界人士前来联系与洽谈合作!You are welcome to visit and cooperate with CIRA!

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他的无畏为他赢得了众多热忱的信徒。His audaciousness has won him many ardent disciples.

什么也不能影响她对这项计划的热忱。Nothing could diminish her enthusiasm for the project.

南通永大热忱欢迎中外客户惠顾!Sincerely welcome customers' visit all over the world.

我很热忱也佷有耐性。Well, Im a very passionate person and patient as well.

东方假日宾馆,热忱恭候您的光临!The East Holiday Hotel is warmly welcoming your presence!

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极少律师是真的对法律事务抱有热忱的。Too few lawyers are passionate about the practice of law.

伦敦的创造性与艺术热忱在我眼中引人注目。For me, London stands out in terms of creativity and verve.

热忱欢迎志同道合的伙伴加盟经营,共同开创美好的未来!You're aways most welcome to join us to make a bright future.