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本丛书的单行本在不断更新。This series of monographs in the constantly updated.

与单行本出版物的不同之处在于再版引用出处。It differs from reprinted publication in that a reprint cites sources.

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期刊连载漫画一旦形成固定读者群,策划出版单行本图书就势在必行。Once a fixed journal comic strip readers, books on planning published booklet is imperative.

本书所收故事,一部分早在一九六八年就出了单行本。Thirty-odd years ago, in 1968, some of the stories collected here first appeared in book form.

那悲剧再没有出单行本,虽然马丁已把预支的版税装进了腰包。The tragedy was never brought out in book-form, though Martin pocketed the advance royalties that had been paid.

战童“和”暗黑女猎手“都在我的贴子里问我合订本和单行本到底收藏哪一个更好一点。WarChild and the Dark Huntress both asked me if it's better to collect trades or singles on the thread I set up.

战童“和”暗黑女猎手“都在我的贴子里问我合订本和单行本到底收藏哪一个更好一点。WarChild and the Dark Huntress both asked me if it’s better to collect trades or singles on the thread I set up.

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单行本数量多,最初基本上属于稿本或手抄本,但这些稿本现在均已亡佚。The number of separate edition is large and they initially are manuscripts, but these manuscripts have been lost.

如果你去追单行本,那么你会借此可以和朋友们疯狂的讨论剧情发展。If you get the singles, you get the great community experience of debating how a story’s going to develop with friends.

人气漫画的单行本和动画、个性化版本渐渐成为中国市场销售的主流。Monographs and popular cartoon animation, personalized version of the Chinese market has gradually become the mainstream.

联邦法首先在法律单行本上公布,然后编撰到成文法规大全,随后进入美国法典。Federal StATutes are published first in Slip Law, then in the StATutes AT Large, and subsequently in the United StATes Code.

边区政府把这篇小说印成单行本发行。这是赵树理创作道路的开端,他在一年的时间内又写了六七本书和几个剧本。This was the beginning of a creative period which resulted in Chao's turning out half a dozen books and a number of plays within the space of a year.

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单行本里,变成了银河团计划中偶然发现的副产物,虽然也是因欠缺试用对像而放弃。In the volume version, he describes the power as a by-product discovered in the middle of the scheme, but was also casted aside due to the lack of a manageable substitute.

迪亚在游戏中心电联柏鲁一幕,月刊中是拿著一个吊在半空的电话,单行本里总算改成了一个实质的电话房。When Dia calls Pearl from the Game Corner, the magazine version has Dia talking on a telephone out of nowhere. In the volume version, he is depicted inside the telephone room.

国会的制定法最早的官方出版形式是单行本法规,是一些活页的小册子,每项法律都有一本,几乎在总统一批准之后马上就出版发行。Congressional enactments are first officially published in the form of slip laws, unbound pamphlets for each act that become available almost immediately after presidential approval.