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把抓紧芯口恴手、悄悄放送。Grasps Chest's hand to relax quietly.

电幕能够同时接收和放送。The telescreen received and transmitted simultaneously.

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新人教版八年级上册课本全部单词大放送!Unit10. If you go to the party, you 'll have a great time!

聚会、社交,放送你的神经。Party, mediate, socialize, whatever you need to do to relax.

他们宣称从未呆在电视机前看一部正在放送的电视剧。They claim to never be around a TV when that show is on the air.

普通的CD播放机附加一个解码器就可以放送CD-V了。Even a common CD player can. Play CD-V with the addition of a decoder.

扬声器连续不断地放送军乐节目。The loudspeakers poured forth a continuous programme of martial music.

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更多更新稍后放送。下一个被提上日程的更新将会是观察者模式的修正。More updates soon. Next on the list will probably be jittery spectating.

想让IPAD真的神奇起来,这里是我最爱用10款应用,外加一些特别放送。Here are my 10 favorite apps, plus a few extras to make the iPad magic happen

珍馐未闻香而口水流顿时让你食欲大放送!Not long sniff and mouth water suddenly let your appetite big send out! ! ! ! !

你操刀的影片或会完成准备,放送出街,又或是书籍杀青,准备出版。Your film documentary may be ready to air soon, or your book may be ready for publication.

数字敦煌作品版权是指敦煌数字化形成的作品所应当享有的传播、放送等权利。Digital Dunhuang means Dunhuang digital copyright works enjoy the exclusive formation of the right.

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听着乐队放送的现场演奏,跳舞是我们脑子里的一切。As we listened to the laid back, middle-of-the-road live band, dancing was the last thing on our minds.

龟井让钱柏豪从今之后帮他筹措军需物资,还让柳文婷去放送局播放新闻。After Mr Kamei let Qian Baihao from now to help him raise munitions, also let LiuWenTing broadcasting bureau news.

你并没有在读猫狗消化的劲敌这类文摘,或通过卫星放送,按照你从电视中听到的东西制造肥料炸弹。You are not reading Kitten and Puppy Hater's Digest or How to Build a Fertilizer Bomb Using the BS You Hear on TV.

但是这台电视见证了75年的放送历史,并且现在依然可以接上机顶盒使用。But this television does come with 75 years of broadcasting history – and you can still hook it up to a Freeview box.

我们感到,当我们放送出去的某个作曲家的音乐不止一首的话,地球以外的人要“理解”它或许会容易些。We felt that "translation" might be easier for extraterrestrials if we offered more than one work by a given composer.

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柳文婷仍在放送局播报,还播出日军准备在大悲寺举办必胜式祈祷的通告。LiuWenTing still broadcasting bureau, broadcast the Japanese also held in the great mercy temple to pray for the type win notice.

以漫画为基础,日本动画开始以每周固定时间放送TV动画,与剧场版动画比起来,TV版要短得多。Based on manga, Japanese anime started as TV series with weekly production schedules, which is overwhelmingly shorter than feature-length movies.

如果你疲劳了一天想放送的话,就按一下白色按扭,衣服会立刻放出悦耳、优美的音乐,让你甜甜蜜密的进入梦乡。If tired one day you want to send out, just press the white button, the clothes will emit a pleasant, beautiful music, let you sleep sweet sweet secret.