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那哪是蒙古包啊。They are not Mongol yurts.

所以在进蒙古包之前。So, before entering the yurt.

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蒙古包就在那座庙背后。His yurt stood behind the temple.

你住在大草原上的蒙古包里。You live on the steppes in a ger.

蒙古包分固定式和游动式两种。Sub-fixed and nomadic yurt-style two kinds.

蒙古包区没有自来水和其他基础设施。Ger districts lack running water and other basic services.

阳光穿过帐篷顶的缝隙洒在这个传统的蒙古包。Sunlight enters a traditional ger through gaps in the roof.

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将近一半的蒙古包居民的生活水平处于贫困线以下。Nearly half of all ger dwellers live below the poverty line.

我们从不像克尔克孜人一样游牧,我们也不住在蒙古包里。We were never nomadic like the Kyrgyz. We never lived in yurts.

成吉思汗陵的主体是由三个蒙古包式的宫殿一字排开构成。The subject was genghis khan's palace by three yurt type survivors.

蒙古包区的孩子们正在已被污染的图尔河中纳凉。Children from the ger districts cool off in the polluted Tuul River.

在太阳下,那点点水泡似的蒙古包,闪烁着白光。The white felt yurts of the Mongolian people stand out in the sunshine.

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蒙古语称格儿,满语为蒙古包或蒙古博。Mongolian children, said grid, full language for the yurt, or Mongolian Po.

还有像蘑菇一样洒落在草原上的蒙古包。And also the mushroom-like Mongol yurts that are scattered on the grassland.

在戈壁沙漠里,旅客还可以看到骆驼和称为蒙古包的圆形蒙古帐篷。In the Gobi Desert, passengers see camels and yurts , circular Mongolian tents.

蒙古包是游牧平易近族顺应于草原情况的又一个发明创造。Yurts are adapted to the nomadic steppe environment to create another invention.

蒙古包提供有庇护的住所以及更多的自主和自由。The gers provide sheltered accommodation as well as greater autonomy and freedom.

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他们住蒙古包,穿蒙古袍,说蒙古话,也过着蒙古游牧生活。They live in yurts wear tunics, speak Mongolic-speaking. They are nomadic tribes.

昨晚在那里,他邀请我们到他的蒙古包里一起庆祝他的41岁生日。Our last night out there, he invited us to his yurt to celebrate his 41stbirthday.

我们在蒙古包里唱歌,晚上躺成一排睡地铺。We sing in yurts in the evening, lie down to sleep in a row of ground floor shops.