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真主紧急呼救天狗。Live God SOS dog evil.

真主的慈恩确是临近行善者的。The mercy of God is near.

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真主是我们的造物主及支持者。God is our Creator and Sustainer.

真主啊!不,我们不让你走。Bismillah! No, we will not let you go.

真主在向他的仆民要求爱。Allah is asking love from His servants.

一切赞颂,全归真主,全世界的主。Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds.

真主是彻知你们的行为的。For Allah is well aware of all that ye do.

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你祷告的时候,都和真主说些什么呢?When you pray, what do you say to your God?

你的真主只有一位,你的祖先只有一位。Your God is one and your forefather is one.

“真主伟大,”歌手用乌尔杜语唱道。"God is great", chanted the singer in Urdu.

你们只应该信托真主,如果你们是信士的话。But on Allah put your trust if ye have faith.

“最伟大的真主!”我后面的女人这样叫着。"Allahu Akbar! " shouted the woman behind me.

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真主是周知不信道的人们的。But Allah is ever round the rejecters of Faith!

真主确是憎恶食肉者的族人。Verily God loathes the family of the flesheaters.

真主保佑,今天,我宣布印度解体。Today, I announce the breakup of India, inshallah.

我们将告诉他真主是独一的,而且无所举伴。He can be told that Allaah is One and has no partner.

这只船的航行和停舶都是奉真主之名的。In the Name of Allah will be its course and berthing.

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穆斯林剑士为信仰而战,为真主而战。Swordsmen who follow Islam and fight for their faith.

古兰是由真主而来的神圣词汇。The words of the Qur'an are the divine words of Allah.

真主使谁迷误,谁就没有向导。And those whom Allah leaves to stray, no one can guide.