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这种疾速成型的过程提升了口感。The speedy process boosts taste.

疾速的棕色狐狸跳过一条懒狗。The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog.

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疾速旋转并划分隔为到北和到南。Whirl it and divide to north and to south.

城市的疾速开展促使了城市土地的寸土寸金。The rapid development of cities prompted by the urban land.

人民币存款疾速增长的暂缓可能让一些人舒了口气。A pause in the breakneck growth of yuan deposits may be a relief to some.

Sucre从前门溜了出来,疾速地向大楼的拐角跑去。Sucre now moves out the front door and sprints to the corner of the building.

圣安托万的每一次脉动和心跳都疾速而火热,像是发了高烧。Every pulse and heart in Saint Antoine was on high-feverstrain and at high-fever heat.

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从红墙洞穴水晶疾速和哈瓦苏溪大理石峡谷和逾越!From the Redwall Cavern to Crystal Rapid and Havasu Creek to Marble Canyon and beyond!

驼鸟在这样干燥炎热的地带为什么能疾速长跑,我永远也理解不了。How ostriches could bear to run so hard in this heat I never succeed in understanding.

但那些天坑,特殊是疾速下沉的坑洞使陆地失往了可信任感。But those above a sinkhole, particularly a rapidly sinking hole, lose trust in terra firma.

词从我的嘴中喷出,所有的都像逃出着火的房子的老鼠一样疾速。Words burst out of my mouth and scurried all over each other like mice fleeing a burning house.

启动疾速,刷机终了后,初次进入系统约20秒便可进进设定界面,。System starts quickly, after flashing the first boot needs about 20 seconds up to start settings.

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雷玖如愿得到黄三爷的选拔,在上海的黑道中位置疾速提升。LeiJiu footpaths get huang SAN ye2 selection, in Shanghai of Mafia location in swiftness ascension.

他疾速攀下铁梯,停在梯子最后—级上,离他脚下飞速掠过的铁路路基有两英尺。Climbing quickly down a steel ladder, he paused at the bottom, two feet above the roadbed flashing by.

液体钙比一般片剂型钙片接收更快,液体钙在胃里就能被疾速接收。Liquid calcium is absorbed faster than hard calcium tablets. Cal-Quickgoes to work quickly in the stomach.

但威尔金斯和富兰克林的关系是很多疾速比的沃森和克里克的著名团队。威尔金斯认为富兰克林被聘为他的助手。But Wilkins and Franklin's relationship was a lot rockier than the celebrated teamwork of Watson and Crick.

杰克迅速地知会梅森,这里有6个武装分子,配备攻击性武器,维克多疾速将话筒拿开了。Jack quickly tells Mason that there are six men with assault weapons there, and Victor jerks the phone away.

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经济疾速删加可能导致过度使用资流,并惹起最末巨大的灾难。Rapid economic growth may lead to an overextension of resources and lead to an eventual catastrophic meltdown.

比方做做快走、慢跑、游水、健身操、踩自行车等就可以到达疾速减肥的目标了。For example, do brisk walking, jogging, swimming, aerobics, riding a bicycle, can reach rapid weight loss goals.

进入新世纪以后,艺术文化已经疾速进入以数字技术为标志的高科技时代。After entering the new century, the art culture has swiftly entered the hi-tech age marked by digital technology.