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李医生诊所。Dr. Lee's office.

他在诊所里戒毒。He detoxed at a clinic.

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开个心理诊所。Open up a psych clinic.

我到了Hillbrow诊所。I went to Hillbrow clinic.

这里是穆森医生的诊所。This is Dr. Musen's Office.

当然,我说“诊所”。Of course, I said "Clinique."

迈克在一家牙科诊所工作。Mike works in a dental clinic.

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想开个诊所?Want to start a health clinic?

诊所使服用海洛因的人戒去毒瘾。The clinic detoxes heroin addicts.

李医生诊所,有什么事吗?Doctor Lee's office, may I help you?

现在他开了家私人诊所是吗?He's in private practice now. -Is he?

此外,诊所还采用了易货体系。Also, the clinic uses a barter system.

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早上好,这里是麦客医生诊所。Good morning, Doctor Michael's office.

她强拉着她的孩子到牙科诊所去。She dragged her child to the dentist's.

你好,这里是陈医生的诊所。我可以帮你什么忙吗?Hello, Dr. Chen's clinic. May I help you?

一个星期前,我在诊所里还笨手笨嘲的。I was so clumsy a week ago in the clinic.

嗨,你好,我是彼得诊所的埃里斯。Hi. This is Alice from Dr. Peter's office.

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嗨,你好,我是埃里斯诊所的彼得。Hi. This is Peter from Dr. Alice's office.

嗨,你好,我是埃里斯诊所的彼得。Hi. This si Peter from Dr. Alice's office.

潘先生,请问你是我们诊所的患者吗?Are you a patient at this office? Mr . Pan.